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July 15th WT out - Coming out Swinging at Apostates Hard
by LostGeneration 138 Replies latest watchtower bible
Sorry, but I have to post this every where today.
From the new simplified watchtower, obey the faithful slave means to gain Jah's approval. No need to read between the lines.
Page 18-19: "Show personal interest in others, but do so in ways that respect their privacy and that do not take away their dignity. Remember, too, that we should not impose our own views on others regarding matters that they need to decide for themselves."
From an organisation that has the highest regard for individual dignity and is very respectful of a healthy divergence of viewpoints within Christianity.
OMG, this was a total 'Barf Fest'! I like how they put in the footnote their own opinion of an apostate and did not quote any scriptures to back up this claim. (page 15, par 5) Then that last article on upholding the shunning of your own son! It was utterly disgusting and pathetic. My blood is boiling and I feel nauseous...
I have not held, or seen an actual Watchtower in over a decade. I do not see any value in reading anything in them.
Desperate times call for desperate measures (may you all have peace!). Hopefully, some have wised up in the past decade or so. If the minds of young people today are any indication, they have (perhaps through their children, which should not be a huge surprise - only those age 20 and under actually made it across the Jordan).
The little children might be the downfall of that harlot, yet.
Again, peace to you all!
A slave of Christ,
@thetrueone : "In this new age of information it's not surprising to see the WTS crank up the mind control. Losing members in this organization hurts not only their bottom line $ but also their entire power structure of the organization itself. .....and yes they are running scarred of the inter-net"
As has been though of in other places by much smarter people, I would argue the 2+ million people who don't contribute much to the bottom line financially are actually a drain on the whole operation (2 congregations where maybe 1 would do, books/mags etc) and should be shown the door. I think the 80/20 rule has a specific application here. That rule states (in this application) that 80% of your profits (or contributions in this case) comes from 20% of your sales force. It's not quite Christ-like, but hey, whoever let that stand in the way of the bottom line!..
Just my 2 cents could it be their undoing because they gave the boot to long time bethelite and the closing of branch offices.Now these are fighting back.
So now if you act like a true christian You Just Might Be A Apostate. We are right. "WAR" lol. Totally ADD
Something does seem to be brewing