The weather over here is nice, and I'm ready to cash my chips in and say that Spring is officially here. Yesterday, I saw a spider, and I don't mind spiders, but he was a little healthier than typical, and I stepped on him, wiped the mess with a paper towel, and threw it in the rubbish. This morning I got up and saw a ladybug on the wall. I walked over, and gently brushed it into my hand, opened the window and released it. Is that hypocritical? Now, I have no particular rhyme or reason for why I treated the two bugs differently. Why does one's presense warrent an execution via Afani shoe, and the other warrents delicate treatment and release despite trespassing?
This same question can be played out regarding the treatment of dogs in this country vs Asian countries, or the Middle East. Horse Ribs are a delicacy in some countries, including the UK if I'm not mistaken. Here in America, that would be unheard of.
Why the inconsistent treatment when it comes to different animals and insects?