Ok, I smashed a spider yesterday, but released a ladybug out the window. Hypocrisy?

by miseryloveselders 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • Leolaia

    LOL, this thread is for me.

    I was just in Veneto last month staying at a Palladian villa, and the drawing room was totally infested with ladybugs. They were everywhere! And I didn't feel ick or gross or whatever like I'd feel with cockroaches or other bugs. Or freaking out as in the case of spiders (any spider seen in my house is instantly dead if I can help it). I'm not superstitious but .... all my life I had a custom that if one landed on me I would not remove it. Just a habit left over from childhood. So one landed on me at the villa and I saw that it was on me in the car and it stayed on me for the next hour and a half when it finally fell while I was at a fried chicken restaurant (honestly the Colonel is juicier than Italian fried chicken....but at least the tempura-like veggies were tasty).

  • cyberjesus

    Its called Socialization.... We are socialized to not like some bugs... because they look "ugly".... and like others because they have a smooth surface and colors and look harmless.

    We act on impulse out of survival, not on thought.. We fear, yes we fear a little harmless spider

    So no I dont consider it to be hypocritical... rather trying to be safe... but ignorant.

  • james_woods
    Sharks are evil looking.

    Three points:

    1) - Hitler and Georing were delighted with the Messerschmidt ME-262 jet fighter because it resembled a shark.

    2) - It resembled a shark because a shark is a very streamlined shape. I think well-streamlined things are naturally beautiful. Even when they are quite dangerous.

    3) - The California is not really a Ferrari. It does not have a 12 cylinder engine, and it only comes with an automatic transmission.

    Have a nice day, Berengeria! Kill all spiders wherever you find them.

  • Georgiegirl

    Good lord unshackled. What the HELL is that? (off to google)

  • sir82

    Here's my rule of thumb:

    Outside my house, I'm in the bugs' territory. Live and let live.

    If they invade my house, that's it. You're on my turf now. No compassion. Squish'em!

    Makes me feel rather like Jehovah in the garden of Eden..."and in the very day you crawl into my house, you will surely die..."

  • NomadSoul

    Good question, because I hate lady bugs and I kill them on sight. But I do that to all insects.

  • Joliette


    Maybe your more a ladybug fan then spider fan...lol.

  • minimus

    Mis, I love this!

  • NomadSoul

    Would you squish this bug?

  • james_woods
    Would you squish this bug?

    I would shoot it with a rubber band.

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