I usually simply let the spiders do their thing. They will take off on their own if they run out of flies to eat--and, they sometimes take residence in my plants to eat the little flies that come from the roots. Which is a good thing, because those flies are nothing more than parasites that my plants don't need--and, when the spiders run out, they will find somewhere else to go.
Ok, I smashed a spider yesterday, but released a ladybug out the window. Hypocrisy?
by miseryloveselders 37 Replies latest jw friends
Horse Ribs are a delicacy in some countries, including the UK if I'm not mistaken.
Never heard of horse ribs on the menu, and i'm british through and through! Europeans like their peculiar foods, us brits like our fish 'n' chips eaten out the paper!
I don't like spiders, i don't squish them, i did it once when i was about 13 and it still haunts me. I capture them and release them into the garden. Without spiders we would be over run with flies!
WTFrick is a camel spider?? Horrible!
A ladybug is a thing of beauty.
If bugs come into my house I squish them, or flush them. If I'm not afraid of (or completely grossed out by) that particular kind of bug, I will leave it be, or try and get it outside.
There is no rhyme or reason to this for me. I am learning to be less afraid of different types of bugs, so more of them are surviving entrance into my house ;)
Ladybugs eat aphids, and that's just fine with me.
But when it comes to spiders, I'm with Garfield (Splat!)
Black Sheep
I do whatever is necessary.
Spiders kill flys, I hate flies, spiders get to stay unless they make something look untidy.
Ladybirds eat bugs that suck the life out of my plants, ladybirds get treated well. I have a pupae on my sunglasses. It's off to one side, so it can stay. It has been fishing with me.
In spring I protect caterpillars from predators so that the butterflies can pretty up my garden, in autumn I stand on them to protect their food plants for next spring.
1st...it's a Scorpion Fly. Doesn't bite or sting ya'...his 'stinger' is his genitals! Cool, huh? He's a lover...not a fighter So, no, I wouldn't squash it nor any other bug til I knew better.
Fear of the unknown...gods, spirits, demons and yes, bugs, snakes & sharks is ignorance (albeit unavoidable at times) but, it does color our reactions and behavior.
For instance: If you knew their were only 2 poisonous spiders in N. America (out of hundreds)...and they are very distinctive, look them up, educate yourself. I remove Black Widows & Brown Recluse spiders to the woods and only smash them as a last resort. Leave the Huntsman, Hopping/Jumping and Crab spiders alone! Your life will be much more peaceful if you are aware and don't fear your surroundings.
Australia is "blessed" with a variety of deadly and aggressive spiders. I live in the bush, so have a house full of bugs. But once you get used to this environment, it is rare to even see one of these spiders. There is a kind of respect for each others space. Just a few weeks ago, I had a goanna (sand monitor((lizard)) in my place!! They are a bugger to get out and will bite if cornered. Also snakes learn to keep apart after they get used to your movements. Only feral animals and large blood sucking flies (and I mustn't forget rats who make a hell of a mess) get killed...