Video - Jehovah's Witnesses and Their Unseen Adversaries

by sabastious 46 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • PublishingCult

    Michelle, many people, especially religious people who believe in evil spirits, believe that sleep paralysis is actually demon attacks. Those who believe in visitors from other planets believe they have been abducted by aliens. Sleep paralysis can cause hallucinations, from mildly weird to terrifyingly surreal. My SP hallucinations ran the entire gammut, and came frequently during times of increased stress.

    This is why I no longer believe in the paranormal/spirits.

    I finally faced all my fears and did everything the WTS and the Bible warned us not to. I dabbled in spiritism. I oijied, I dared, tempted, provoked, begged, bargained, demanded Satan and the demons through seances, ghost hunting and evp sessions at locations reputed to be highly active with spirits . . . nothing. Absolutely nothing. No voices, no shadow figures, no apparitions, no demon attacks in my sleep, no bad luck, no trouble at home (as in increased anger and stress between family members as a result of me bringing the demons home, lol), no moving objects, no knocking, banging, moaning . . . no nada. It is all a bunch of lunacy.


  • Curtains

    it is so sad that you guys have had to go through this. A friend of mine has the same sort of night terrors since he was a youngester. The connection with demon stories is so obvious to me now. thanks for sharing this

    great that you are getting the messsage out sab

    edit: I'd like to show your video to this friend as he is the same age as you, but I know it will probably result in lots of questions regarding apostacy and the like

  • Joey Jo-Jo
    Joey Jo-Jo

    Sab, we do have something in common lol, my parents also said to say jehovah and demons would run away lol.

    Ok some things a want to point out, I dont believe in fobias such as satan is attempting you or thinks like that (I did like Paul), but I did experience some things that even saying jehovah didn't do any good..and it wasn't sleep walking, I just think your talking about two different things.

  • Curtains

    joey jo-jo but this is what we are talking about - that saying Jehovah doesn't always work so the child is left thinking he is bad.

    I've no doubt that you have experienced things that are not simple phobias (although night terrors are not simple phobias) but the important point here is that sab and publishing cult do not experience these things now that they have shed the weight of WTS belief.

    likewise I have no fear of unseen spirit forces even if they parked themselves directly in front of me. However if strange things started to happen to me that I could not explain and that was bothering me I would go see a psychiatrist because it would be very likely that my mind was somehow involved in overactively interpreting phenomena.

  • sizemik

    Sab, PC, sister x . . . you guys are extrordinary survivors . . .

    PC . . . there was a lot of learning in all of that . . . thanks

  • Joey Jo-Jo
    Joey Jo-Jo

    And what if two people saw the same thing, would both go see a shrink?

    Dont want to hijack this thread, but its very clear at least to me, there are fobias, satan is ruler satan will turn you against everyone, satan will cause you to speed in your car causing a big crash etc..or demons are there to get you. And then there is the real deal but its not someone that is chasing after you so to speak.. I have said this in a lot of other demon threads but these threads are like a slap in the face, its like you know its saturday and someone passing by says no its SUNDAY!! errg k "Hey dont mind me im on my meds" And people who do have these experiences dont bother posting because they have better things to do. Somewhat this is a know-it-all jw attitude, its only when you leave that you become a ah! so I though I knew it all but didn't know anything.

  • Curtains

    joey jo jo

    And what if two people saw the same thing, would both go see a shrink?

    the short answer - yes - if they were both overactively interpreting the phenomena, that is.

    I don't want to highjack this thread toward demonic experiences (those which experiencers still think they are such), either as the thread is about sab's video and letting go of burdensome belief systems and seeing the results. So I'm not going to say anything further on the subject of believers' extraordinary experiences.

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    Questions to ask JWs.

    Demons were originally spirits in heaven right?

    JW: Yes

    And they were there for millions or billions of years?

    JW: Yes

    So they speak English and use the name that was invented just a few hundred years ago rather than God's real name?

  • freetosee

    As a child the fear of demons was so horrific! My father and others loved to tell demon stories. He told us jehovah can always read your mind. Satan and his demons can only read your mind when your eyes are open. For many years I was afraid to be in the dark thinking I was surrounded by demons. I would yell "jehovah", but still be terrified!! I cant express how relieved I was, once I realised this is all nonsense and fear tactics!!!
    Children are the biggest victims of the wt org!
    It makes me angry to think about how unfair, damaging and evil this is.

  • prophecor

    Had a drug induced, nervous breakdown in the late 70's, while studying, as my life was spiraling out of control in the insanity of adolescence. The fog effect has lingered for nearly 40 years.

    I always attributed it to demon attack. Not giving any creedance to the fact that mental illness runs in my family and that my life at that time had just entered a "Perfect Storm".

    The fear of demonic attack was a hallmark belief in KH upbringing. I no longer give it the same value as do witnesses. I don't discount demon activity, either but everything that happens to us is not a result of demon activity and influence. A lot of it is due to our own desires, feelings and inclinations. We just suffer from the effects of our choices.

    I think you'll fair better than most for your courage to look at things with a sound mind. Good goin', Sab!!!.

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