Michelle, many people, especially religious people who believe in evil spirits, believe that sleep paralysis is actually demon attacks. Those who believe in visitors from other planets believe they have been abducted by aliens. Sleep paralysis can cause hallucinations, from mildly weird to terrifyingly surreal. My SP hallucinations ran the entire gammut, and came frequently during times of increased stress.
This is why I no longer believe in the paranormal/spirits.
I finally faced all my fears and did everything the WTS and the Bible warned us not to. I dabbled in spiritism. I oijied, I dared, tempted, provoked, begged, bargained, demanded Satan and the demons through seances, ghost hunting and evp sessions at locations reputed to be highly active with spirits . . . nothing. Absolutely nothing. No voices, no shadow figures, no apparitions, no demon attacks in my sleep, no bad luck, no trouble at home (as in increased anger and stress between family members as a result of me bringing the demons home, lol), no moving objects, no knocking, banging, moaning . . . no nada. It is all a bunch of lunacy.