Video - Jehovah's Witnesses and Their Unseen Adversaries

by sabastious 46 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • sabastious
    Hi one thing I think of or walk away with from that (btw i liked it) Is some witnesses treat the name jehovah as an incantation and if i prayed to my god to protect me why would i a puny human have to remind him when scared. I got distracted a little with my son while listening so i hope Im not to far off topic.

    That is sure what it feels like in the moment. However that is not the way it was explained to me throughout my childhood. I was told that speaking God's name would scare the demons because I was calling out to greater force. Hard stuff to reconcile sometimes as an adult. Sometimes I feel like I grew up in a movie.


  • sabastious
    It makes me angry to think about how unfair, damaging and evil this is.

    It is unfair, but the great thing is the human mind is unimaginably resilient! We are strong.


  • sabastious
    When I was forced to finally let go of belief in these invisible entities, the anxiety decreased tremendously. I have not had an attack of sleep paralysis in years. My speech disfluency has dimished considerably, my ability to think and reason has increased, and like you, I found things inside of me, personal power as it were, I never dreamed I would be able touch.

    Seems like you and I had a similar experience. Both of us are speaking out about it, though, and that helps in a wonderful way of it's own.


  • sabastious
    The fear of demonic attack was a hallmark belief in KH upbringing.

    This really is one of the secrets that they hide so well to the outside world don't they?


  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite


    I'd started this thread, which sank like a rock, and haven't had time to develop...

    WT has painted a scene where Satan possesses massive knowledge and power over each and every one of us at all times. Even Jehovah seems to be powerless against the devices Satan uses against our bodies and our thinking. That's why his magical earthly organization is necessary to provide complete protection for attacks by Satan and his demons. Satan is the imaginary Boogieman that the sheeples need WT protection from. Like one 'odd' brother explained to me, shouting "Jehovah" may protect you if demons attack, but the best protection is to play Kingdom Melodies or go to the KH.

    In reality, JWs are trained to put any legitamate questions or doubts into the realm of "Satanic attacks" and will go against truth, logic, reason, and love, because WT says that those are 'Satanic'.

  • sabastious

    I totally agree, Billy. According to the Watchtower mythology it is the the myriads of demons that provide Satan with his ultimate power. The Bible says "Satan roams like a lion" but the Watchtower would have us believe that that means "the demons are roaming like a lion". Satan, although powerful, is still only one, but his minions are many; much like Sauroman in Lord of the Rings with his "eyes and ears". It is an effective fear tactic espeically on children.


  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    I was told as a child not to voice my worst fears out loud because although Satan can't read minds, he is listening and could use those things to test us duriing persecution. I've heard other JWs say the same. I had night terrors and was told to shout Jehovah's name, which I did and it worked (figures really) but it always seemed like using the name as a talisman to me.

  • Mr. Falcon
    Mr. Falcon

    Sab, you're the man, but....

    .... F the Steelers.

  • sabastious
    .... F the Steelers.

    You might hate the Steelers, but you know this guy's got a pair:


  • Mr. Falcon
    Mr. Falcon

    I hate Ward, but do admit that he is a talented WR who is built like an inside linebacker.

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