June 15th WT ( again ) WT Society Bashes College & Earning a Living

by flipper 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • flipper

    BAND ON THE RUN- I saw a Paul McCartney concert, does THAT count ? He played tons of Beatles songs ! LOL ! JW's don't have to go WAIT for new light- the WT society is more than happy to THRUST it upon them each month ! I would have LOVED to have a liberal arts degree if my JW parents had allowed me to go to college. I agree with you - college teaches an incredible amount of critical thinking ability ( which my inactive JW son gained by attending for two years ) and critical thinking ability enables people to see a broader scope of the world around them. As opposed to the JW tunnel vision imposed on Witnesses.

    KUDRA- I was wondering as well how your JW mom is going to react to these articles dissing college . Fortunately I believe BOTH of the articles I've posted in two threads are NOT WT study articles - so they won't be discussed at the JW meetings. So only if your mom reads the WT cover to cover will she read these non-study articles. If she doesn't read much at all- you may not hear a word from her about it ! Wouldn't THAT be nice ?

    I agree your college training IS an investment into your future ! And you do quite well at it . Feel proud of that ! The WT society is just trying to keep JW's dumbed down in low paying jobs so they can be more easily controlled and manipulated. I truly believe THIS is why the WT society disses college like they do. Dumb Witnesses make good cooperative sheep. If you get my drift. Take care sis

  • CoonDawg

    The first part of the post shows the willfull ignorance of the WTS. As was mentioned, one of the primary reasons to go to college is because it teaches you how to think critically and how to be a problem solver (why else require so much math for a liberal arts degree?) College is also an avenue for lifelong learners. Why should the benefit of getting a decent paying job be the SOLE motivation? Sure, it's part of the payoff, but many of us end up having our curiosity stimulated and are more motivated to actually learn for the sake of learning. That's the best thing about college for me - a 40 year old ex-dub who is in my junior year of my undergrad. Sure, I'll be able to get a job when I'm done, but I don't plan on calling my undergrad good enough. I like this stuff. I will at least get my graduate degree...maybe even go on to a PhD.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run


    I've been a McCartney fan for about 50 years now. Of course, I did boycott early Wings b/c of his messing with the Beatles. Spent thousands of dollars on good seats for every one of his performances in NY. It was worth every penny magnified by about 1,000.

    Sometimes John would be my favorite. Sometimes Paul. Paul was my first celebrity crush and my most enduring. I thought they would be popular for six months. Ha. He is touring now. I can't buy a ticket and see a ballet performance this summer. My gut is to see the ballet which has me wondering if I need to go to a psych er,

    My point is that specific knowledge is not as important as the ability to think in a focused way about everything in life. My freshman college class was horrible. I came from an urban ghetto. Other women were the daughters of ambasssadors. They assumed we had English comp skills. My high school was very different. I received As for knowing the names of the main characters and a rough idea of the plot. The private skill crowd so glib about character development, drawing parallels to other authors, musicians, etc. I absolutely freaked. If I took the course today, I could fake my way. I don't know more facts. Maybe some self-confidence.

    I was preparing to go to court for a foster parent order so my father would not pull me from high school to bag groceries as a good Witness. It was very embarassing. It is hard to articulate. Whatever the world called up, the society called down. It confused me no end. I just wanted to please everyone in my life. The Witnesses thought my academic career was trash. If I told my worldly friends what the Witnesses taught and how it affected me, they admonished me for believing the Witnesses who were obviously idiots. Closed case. I had to choose someone's disdain. Basically, I had to say that my parents wre no good and all my child certainties were merely fantasies. As a child, Witness persecution made me feel bonded to the KH. I paid my dues. It was very confusing.

    Of course, no one should think or God forbid, read a Bible for yourself. Does it have to be so? Why can't we have sculptors, and chefs, and violin makers? It boils down to time for the Society. I was a teenage candy striper. When i wanted it as setting for MS, my mom explained that no one should know I was a hopsital volunteer. I was completely confused. Teenage hospital volunteers are admired. I was forced to quit as punishment for being worldly. What is paradise on earth with JW music? Is paradise the illustrations from the WT? What is wrong with honing and developing the gifts Jehovah gave us for the benefit of the Society?

    Something else besides critical thinking or time is involved. Maybe I can't formulate it now but I feel it my gut. Either people on this board are too sensitive to the issue or the WT is really pressing it? I suggest they press a knowledge of the gospels. Jesus expressed no opinion about education. He was highly skilled yet certainly his carpentry was a total waste of time b/c he knew he was going to be crucified and rise. Paul was extremely educated. Why can't JW use these skills for the glory of God.

  • carla

    marking, thanks Mr. Flipper

  • jgnat

    Band on the Run, the suppression of natural talent is what really bugs me about the admonition not to go to college. There has been a testimony on stage for the past few years, every year, from some bright Witness child who "gave up a scholarship" to pioneer. Cue applause. My heart sinks every time.

    A poster here summarized the Watchtower's motives as reactionary. It's the best fit I've seen so far. My guess is that the WTBTS regularly reviews it's membership statistics, and has likely noted a precipitous drop of college graduates, children who do NOT return to the fold. Thus, college must be "bad".

    Why would more college graduates leave than those who go directly in to pioneering, the work force, or some technical certification program? Perhaps for the same reasons you noted. The very atmosphere and style of learning fosters critical thinking skills. The WTBTS doctrines don't hold up to that sort of scrutiny.

  • flipper

    COON DAWG- Good points. One of the prime reasons for going to college is to stir up critical thinking ability within neself. However the WT society doesn't wANT it's members to develop critical thinking ability because it wants to do ALL of the Witnesses thinking for them ! Good for you in your going to college ! I wish you the best with it and hope you enjoy the ride !

    BAND ON THE RUN- Nice to see another Beatles/Lennon/McCartney fan ! I agree with you that " specific knowledge is not as important as the ability to think in a focused way about everything in life. " Very true. Like yourself in time I had to decide who I wanted to please as well Would I be fake and pretyend the Witnesses had the truth ( when I knew they didn't ? ) or be true to my belief system and stop attending meetings because I disagreed with the WT society's actions and teachings ? I chose the latter. And I'm proud of the decision I made. It's been a lot less stressful. Hopefully you've been able to enjoy some success outside of the JW world and find happiness too.

    CARLA- Thanks for the mark.

    JGNAT- It's really sad when you see JW'a applause at assemblies when hearing a young person gives up going to college to pioneer. The WT society makes it seem as if it's a no-brainer that ALL young people would want to do and give up their careers for pioneering. I think all the WT society wants to do is make their members from youngest to oldest all clones of one another with everybody being the same in education, dress, appearance, and lifestyles. Much easier to control people that way . And the WT society is all about control and power over people

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    I would think they would want people in good jobs. Imagine the skills publishers could bring to the Society. Donations should increase. Someone should raise their hand whenever this is discussed and ask why mere sisters have been sent to law school, admitted to the bar, which requires an oath, become enmeshed in worldly failed justice and why brothers can't do a semester of community college.

    My mother raised me to almost worship education. I've mentioned before that she was expelled from high school at fourteen for flag salute issues. It dashed her dreams for a good future. This antieducation , antiintellectual movement has always been active in American history. Sometimes it has been a strong force. There was a group called the Know-Nothings. Look at Palin's supporters. Fundamentalist Christians are anti-intellectual. They have their very mediocre Bible colleges. Yet the Ivies were started as divinity schools for the most part. Maybe it is one extreme or the other. I've wanted to know more about this but never took the time to research it.

  • AnneB

    Is it coincidence that their college-bashing issue comes out at graduation time and their begging issue comes out near Christmas?

  • flipper

    BAND ON THE RUN- Good points you make. Indeed most religious groups want their followers to be " dumbed down " so as to be able to control them more. It's all about control and power. If the WT society believed in higher education they'd feel threatened because " knowledge = power ".

    And the WT society can't stand losing control of 7 million JW's.

    ANNEB- I'm sure the WT society has reasons and alibis for EVERYTHING they do in when articles come out. It's usually to their own advantage

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