2011 DC Invitation

by LostGeneration 41 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Room 215
    Room 215

    The three dramas are a concession to the shrinking collective attention span of present day JWs; I agree it's one more indication of their desperation to arrest the decline in attendance. Smacks more of a "dog and pony show" than a spiritually enlightening congress of fellow believers.

  • Gayle

    Been out for over couple decades. Who were the toes. according to WT,, wasn't it 'all' governments existing today, did they say last?

  • sir82
    There have also been "Modern Dramas" on Saturday at the last two conventions. I was asked to do one of them. They are only 5 minutes long or so.

    That's a "demonstration".

    Dramas are always a good 30-40 minutes.

    In recent years, the dramas have all been "Bible times" dramas, with cheesy glue-on beards and (in)authentic dress.

    But in the 80's and 90's there were often full 30-45 minute "modern day" dramas.

    Back to the future!

  • baltar447

    I just noticed that this tract may already be betraying the "new light" coming at the DC this year. I do not remember them making a distinction between the toes and the feet before, did anyone catch that? The Daniel account lumps them together as one. There is a question mark pointing directly at the toes.

    Here's the Daniel book's explanation:

    *** dp chap. 4 pp. 59-60 pars. 27-29 The Rise and Fall of an Immense Image ***

    27 At the dawn of the 20th century, the British Empire ruled over every fourth person on earth. Other European empires controlled millions more. But World War I resulted in the emergence of groups of nations in place of empires. After World War II, this trend accelerated. As nationalism developed further, the number of nations in the world grew dramatically. The ten toes of the image represent all such coexisting powers and governments, for in the Bible the number ten at times signifies earthly completeness.—Compare Exodus 34:28; Matthew 25:1; Revelation 2:10.

    28 Now that we are in “the time of the end,” we have reached the feet of the image. Some of the governments pictured by the image’s feet and toes of iron mixed with clay are ironlike—authoritarian or tyrannical. Others are claylike. In what way? Daniel associated the clay with “the offspring of mankind.” (Daniel 2:43) Despite the fragile nature of clay, of which the offspring of mankind are made, traditional ironlike rulerships have been obliged to listen more and more to the common people, who want their say in the governments ruling over them. (Job 10:9) But there is no sticking together of authoritarian rule and the common people—no more than there could be a uniting of iron with clay. At the time of the image’s demise, the world will indeed be politically fragmented!

    29 Will the divided condition of the feet and toes cause the entire image to collapse? What will happen to the image?

    I predict that they will stretch the toes into "new light" that will rival the ridiculousness of the "Overlapping Generation".
  • seenitall

    This is coming - mark my words - the circle with the ? is for the toes. During the final talk on Sunday we are told (according to the April KM) to save 1 copy of the invitation. Guess why? The identity of the toes will be revealed! A hush comes over the audience and new light is revealed for all to proclaim to the world. It is the unrest of world governments, groups of protesters in many nations at the breaking point. It is ready to crumble. But wait, the Daniel scripture says the stone will break it. So, what is next? A breakdown of government, people and the coming of Christ's Kingdom as the executioner. All at once! Aren't we blessed to then take our copy and fill in the circle with the right answer! This ranks up there with the 1950 announcement about the "princes of old" relayed by Freddie Franz. Can't wait to be there!!!!!! Insight that only could come from our faithful slave - stand and sing the song "We are guided by the slave and the new light that is flashing". This to be followed by a 10 minute written out prayer recapping all 3 days and give worship to the light sent through the slave. Amen and come Lord Jesus (the stone)!

  • sir82
    the circle with the ? is for the toes.


    You're probably right.

    And then in the 2020 DC, we get, what? The identity of the toenails?

    Theme for 2030: "The Cuticles Revealed District Convention of Jehovah's Witnesses"

  • baltar447

    Seenitall, where does it say in the April KM that the identity will be revealed?

  • seenitall

    But wait, in 2040 it is nail fungus and ingrown nails! The Devil has craftily entered into the stinking mass and delayed the pitch and pace of the stone throw. In 2050 gangrene has set in and the whole mess has to be cut, not crumbled. Hold on to your hats, shoes and respirator! Run for the caves (Kingdom Halls) and avoid the final fall of the image.

  • seenitall

    The April KM insert has the info on the Convention. It said to save a copy of the invitation for the final talk on Sunday. In looking at the invitation, why do the masses need it for then? The answer is obvious, the ? and the mention of the talk on the right - about God's Kingdom and When. This is going to be hyped up. A new book or brochure on God's Kingdom with an explaination of Daniels' image and the ? will be replaced with something else.

  • Snowboarder

    here comes the DC i know what that means i.....i would rather be stuck

    1. in a chair lift for 10 hours for 3 days stright.

    2. in general anything is better use of time

    Really my parents get so pumped after this it drives me crazy. I wish they could see my face and i wish i could go up to the speak and say really? r u sure? let's ask a normal non JW what they think, they would say Congrats you need to go to the crazy house!

    Anyway the drama's are so unrealistic.

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