WT Is Losing Its Best and Brightest

by snowbird 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • snowbird

    They are hemorrhaging the creme de la creme, as it were, and a lot of those thinking ones are coming to JWN.

    No wonder there are so many warnings against surfing the 'Net.


  • charlie brown jr.
    charlie brown jr.

    I'd like to think this is a GB meeting about the Internet and Apostate sites.....


  • Joey Jo-Jo
    Joey Jo-Jo

    Interesting how things change, im sure Rutherford and Russell never saw this coming, religion these days can easily be audited thanks to the interwebs.

  • yknot


    Props to the boys (and girls) within the WTS for adding these sifts into the WT........well played!

    As the old saying goes......there is no such thing as 'bad publicity'!

    I hope to see more dc dramas incorporating scenarios read on JWN too!!


  • snowbird
  • HintOfLime

    The WT has nothing to fear. After all - if there aren't enough qualified men to preform as Elders.. Jehovah God will make the rocks cry out.

    (And as an absolute last resort.. there are always the.... females. If there aren't any good quality rocks available. )

    - Lime

    PS: Yes, I have critized posters in the past for refering to women in plural as females. I've done it deliberately here to emphesize just how lowly in value/ability the Watchtower Society regards women. Because.. "God/the bible says it is good." I do not personally agree with this, and no disrespect is actually intended.

  • Farkel

    They lost me.

    I'm not sure if that means anything. I never got ONE convert in nearly 3 decades of my young life peddling their nonsense and my years of pioneering peddling more nonsense. I've been responsible for getting dozens, maybe hundreds OUT of that nonsense, though.

    Had they treated me like a decent human (which they didn't), I might still be peddling their bullshit and be happy in doing it. After all, I was mesmorized by their lies, too. And I'm a fairly smart guy.

    The Watchtower Printing Corporation has one main directive: wound people, and then shoot and kill the people they wound when the people they wound just don't want to be wounded by them any more.

    It's all Bible-Based(tm), you know.


  • steve2

    With or without the internet, the best and brightest keep leaving. The internet simply accelerates the departure rate for some. Anyone with half an active brain cell could not rather than having any apostate "tendencies" stirred.

  • thetrueone

    News Flash ... the WTS. has never had the best and brightest in society within the body of the population.

    They may have had the intellectual or emotionally weak, but

    it does take the smartest people in the world to run and operate a religious cult.

    You basically just say and write things to attract a segment of the population, congregate those people

    through coercion and then apply motions of exploitation to what you want them to do, such as buying and selling your products and Wallah

    you have yourself a controlling persuasive cult, that has a built-in structure of creating wealth. $$$

  • sabastious
    I never got ONE convert in nearly 3 decades

    My wife and I actively tried not to convert anyone. We really never knew exactly why we had the aversion until after we left.


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