WT Is Losing Its Best and Brightest

by snowbird 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    Strictly on the topic title of this thread, think about the people here on JWN. Sure, there are some kids and screwups and clowns but there are also some certifiably brilliant people. If you think about the thousand or so regular posters here (I don't know how many there are, honestly, I just picked a number) and compare it to a typical JW circuit what will you see?

    Compare the education level.

    Compare the IQs or Wonderlic scores.

    Compare incomes.

    Compare jobs.

    How do you think JWN measures up beside a typical JW circuit? Ok, I admit, our windows may be dirtier and our floors may need a coat of wax and some buffing, but other than that, JWN has it ALL OVER a typical JW circuit.

  • Mr. Falcon
    Mr. Falcon

    WT Is Losing Its Best and Brightest


    Syl, you forgot "Sexiest" too!

  • SouthCentral

    Unfortunately, they do not care if they lose intelligent people. It is merely a numbers game. When I stopped being active, there were around 3 million Dubs, now there are over 7 million people that are baptized?

    Who cares about OUR complaints and issues, the organization is growing.....

  • snowbird

    Hey, there, SaveMySoul.

    Where ya been?


  • minimus

    things went downhill fast for them when i left.

  • ziddina

    Well, of course, Minimus!!!

    How could they FUNCTION without that little dancing red dot!!

    dancing red dotdancing red dotdancing red dotdancing red dotdancing red dotdancing red dotdancing red dotdancing red dotdancing red dot

  • Farkel

    I'm their huckleberry.


  • metatron

    I'm very interested in why anybody thinks the Watchtower will suffer a schism. Randy, or anyone else fell free to enlighten me on how such a thing could take place. I may have missed something.

    On the other hand, saying that the Organization is an insult to everyone's intelligence is completely profound! Good Grief! The Cheesy magazines, the repetitive meetings, the sterile ministry and, above all, the 130 years worth of prophetic failure. Dumb, dumb dumb..

    I am sincere about the schism thing. How does that work?


  • Violia

    Even back in the 80's there were two types of jws congo's. The hardliners, called DF'ing cong's and the kinder more liberal jws. I think that has continued. The hardliners seemed to have taken over but there are many liberal jws out there hiding in the closets trying to help those they can. The break may come of the stern requirements to shun DF family members.

  • Terra Incognita
    Terra Incognita


    "I'm very interested in why anybody thinks the Watchtower will suffer a schism. Randy, or anyone else fell free to enlighten me on how such a thing could take place."

    Extremely unlikely. The very essence of the Jehovah's Witness mentality is centered around a singular and unique organization. A split nowadays would be very different than the Rutherfordian fragmentation that ended up creating several sects.


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