I hear ya, and I struggle with these questions too. On one hand I believe God dignifies the human race by not holding our hands on everything. The same way human parents dignify their offspring by allowing them privileges and responsibilities, like "dad can I have the car tonight? I've got a date." Also, Jesus said he was fond of the sons of men, which I always took to mean as a loving fascination with us. We're not quite domestic animals in his eyes, but we're loved similarily or more.
Then there's the JW side of me that is somewhat compelling, but also nuanced. According to the WT, God is allowing bad things to happen to prove a point that we're incapable of self rule. We're taught that God with his angels, and Satan with his demons have been in a fierce debate for the past 6000 years and we're, meaning you and I, are the pawns in this invisible chess game being played by spirit creatures. The more I think about it, it becomes more and more senseless. All this suffering, misery, and death all over two invisible spirits with their followers having a disagreement.
There's a barber that I used to go to when I was a kid up until my years as a young man. Black barber shops are never short on conversation, and subjects often focus on social concerns within the black community, such as black on black crime. My barber made the comment that when it comes to black violence, he feels that its not entirely the fault of young blacks. The reason he feels that way is as he put it, "we had good teachers." In a sense when I think about global conflicts presently occuring and in the past, I find myself thinking about what my former barber said and I have the inclination to apply that same "good teachers" outlook to God's conflict with Satan and their respective armies. You can't entirely blame the human race for all the woes on this planet, because if God and Satan exist, they can both be accused of directly influencing events, or gross inaction. One might even say negligence.
The JW side of me also thinks of Rev 12:7-9 which talks of the Devil and his army being evicted from the heavens and is down here with us invisibly causing trouble. The thinking side of me, or maybe even the Devil's Advocate side of me, causes me to think of God's interference in mankind's affairs which are well documented in the Bible. When you sit down and examine it, the Bible has far more accounts of God having more direct involvement in mankind's affairs through violence, than the Devil. If you believe John's Revelation is legitimate and should be cannon, then you also believe God through his Son is going to get involved with mankind's affairs again, this time far worse than in times past.
I don't know what to think sometimes. It's 11:31 here, and I need a drink.