There is a difference between receiving an anointing from the indwelling Holy Spirit and being the God-Man by nature, one person who is Deity/Humanity. We are all christs/gods nonsense is New Age lies. It is not biblical Christianity.
What say you Christians ???
by wobble 277 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Well then Jesus is gonna be all alone in his Kingdom.
What's the fruitage of "Biblical Christianity"? About 200,000,000 murders so far..... "by their fruits you will recognize them."
Sorry I missed the rye sense of humor.
godrulz- Don't you mean your myths vs other myths......
Oh and I forgot to mention BILLIONS of unfulfilled lives, slavery, oppression, subjugation, endless wars......
Designs: biblical Christianity is true. Flying Spag. Monster is myth.
Prodigal: Leaving WT for New Age is still darkness, demonic deception. You are now even less orthodox than before. Good one.
It, the christianity you speak of, was just borrowed from other sources and patched together..
That's the part they never seem to get designs, Christianity is 100 percent "pagan" LOL
But when you give them the evidence, it's from the Devil....
You can't win.....
You just have to spell it right for them: DIAVOLOS greek