aguest: thx for the replies that are more confusing than clear.
You are quite welcome, dear godrulz (peace to you!), and my sincere apologies for any confusion.
Hear is an acid test to know if you are hearing the Holy Spirit or your flesh or a demonic spirit.
Okay, but a couple things, first, if I may? Why do you give credence to a demon over the joy of the Holy One of Israel? If demons can and do speak, wouldn't the One to whom ALL authority has been given... in heaven AND on earth... be able to do so... and DO so... as well? Second, I understand your skepticism (and so lack of faith?)... but I must caution you to take care as I have stated to you who it is that speaks to me. Your potential insistence that he [could be] a demon could be construed as blasphemy against that Spirit. Not sayin' you are... just cautioning you to not do so. Because that is what I would want you to do for me. K? K! Oh, and it certainly isn't my flesh. A quick review of a view other threads where I've posted will show you what MY flesh thinks... and often says. And it ain't even close, dear one. Now, then...
Who specifically is Jesus Christ?
There is no "Jesus" Christ, dear one, other than the name given to the Son of God by the false pen of the scribes. The name of that One, however, is actually JAHESHUA (pronounced "Yah eShua" or "Yeshua" in Hebrew... or "Joshua" in English)... who is the Son of God, and His chosen/anointed one ("MischaJah", pronounced "meesha Yah"). He is the Word of God, the One through whom the MOST Holy One of Israel, JAH of Armies, who is the God of Abel, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Moses (and Aaron), David, the Prophets, and the Apostles... speaks. He was sent by God to redeem Israel, and those who go with her, from Death... because of His (God's) love for... and promise to... Abraham.
He did that by taking on the form of a lesser being (i.e., a "slave's" form) by putting on flesh, which is a vessel that is enslaved (unlike a spirit vessel, which is free)... and residing in that form for a time so as to do three things:
1. Bear witness to the truth about the Most Holy One of Israel (which he did by personal demonstration) among other such "slaves", particularly Israel (and more specifically Jews);
2. Take into that form the sins of Israel... and the world... which sins he then, as the Lamb of God, carried off; and
3. Sacrifice that form to Death, in exchange for the lives of Israel... and the world.
Many religions can call Him Messiah, Son of God, etc., but they understand these things differently. Who do men say that I am? Who do you say that I am?
Yes. Primarily, so-called "christian" religions, though...
Where did you get those ideas?
I got them from him, directly. I mean, sure, I had heard... and read... where others said he was the Son of God. Even where he is recorded to allude to it himself. It was not that, however, that gave me the faith I now have. I received that faith (as a gift... a "fruit" of God's holy spirit) when... after following his direction to come into union with him... I accepted his invitation to do so (John 15:1-7). Soon after that, he himself came to me and identified himself as "the Christ". Since he initially came with the Father ("I am the One known to you as 'Jehovah'" - which I subsequently learned is not HIS name, either) and at that time said to me, "No one comes to the Father except through ME"... I knew then, that he was the Son of God. Absolutely NO doubt.
Is the Word of God or your subjective impressions the final authority?
I suspect that by "the Word of God" you mean the Bible. The Bible is not the Word of God, dear one. Christ is the Word of God. And as the Word of God, he... Christ... is the ONLY authority. Nothing... and no one else... has been GRANTED authority. Except him. Can you "see" that?
Do you consider the Bible to be the Word of God (assuming correct translation/interpretation)?
Oh, uh... no. Absolutely not. The Bible is nothing more than a compilation [by men] of writings, including scripture, chronologies, histories, records, letters, and a revelation. As such, it contains things that point to and speak ABOUT that Word, as well as some of what that Word himself said to his disciples... but it is NOT that Word. It contains the Law, in part (as well as a lot of additions) that is a "tutor" that LEADS to God's Word... but it neither IS that Word or contains that Word.
As IT (the Bible) states, "God... who so LONG ago, spoke to us by means of the Prophets, has... spoken to us... by means of a SON." Hebrews 1:1, 2
HE is the Truth that sets us free... not stuff contained in the Bible (John 8:32, 36; 14:6). Indeed, "the Bible" says:
"Sanctify them by means of the truth. Your WORD... is truth."
Tell me, dear one, is it the Bible than sanctifies us? Is it the Bible that is "the Way, the TRUTH, and the Life"? Or is it CHRIST?
The Bible contains those answers. Why do you put your faith in it... but do not listen to what IT says?
Again, I bid you peace, dear one... and ears to hear... when the Spirit and the Bride say to YOU:
"Come! Take 'life's water'... FREE!"
That 'water', dear one, is not poured out from the Bible. It is poured out from the innermost parts of the Holy One of Israel and Holy Spirit... JAHESHUA MISCHAJAH... the Son and Christ of the MOST Holy One of Israel, JAH of Armies. There is NO other "Source" of such 'water', dear one... truly. You can read the Bible all the day long... but you do so because you 'THIRST'. And you continue "thirsting"... which is why you continue searching (the scriptures).
The 'water' that THAT One will give you, however, will bubble up IN you, as a fountain imparting everlasting life... so that you thirst NO MORE. NEVER AGAIN.
May you hear, then, and get the SENSE of what the words, "Hey, there, all you THIRSTY ones... come and take LIFE's 'water'... FREE" means!
Christ... is that Life... and it is HIS 'water'... holy spirit... which he gives FREE... and NOT the things written in the Bible... that will "satisfy" your "thirst." There truly is nothing else... and no one or place... or thing... else... to get it from.
YOUR servant, as I am servant to ALL those of the Household of God, Israel, and those who go with... by means of being a slave of Christ, who slave I willingly am,