From what I have read I've come to these conclusions:
Jesus was a Jewish mystic and magician who believed that "The Kingdom of Heaven" was imminent. He believed that it was going to be preceded by miraculous healings. Those miracles would require "Faith" to initiate. He believed that God would not bring the Kingdom unless people reached out to Him in "Faith". He believed that no one had the "Faith" needed to start the miraculous chain of events that was necessary to bring about "The Kingdom of Heaven".
Therefore, he developed the delusionary belief that he had a role to play by being a conduit for miracles and healing. Since miracles weren't real, but he wanted to believe that they could be, he started a ministry of faked miracles and healings hoping that he would impress and excite people to the point where they would develop enough "Faith" to spark real miracles.
When thinking of "Faith" from Jesus' point of view, imagine Yoda instructing Luke Skywalker (Star Wars II) in how to use "The Force". Yoda says, "There is no think. Do or do not." (And didn't the trashed Millennium Falcon rise from the swamp?)
To put it briefly, Jesus was a psychotic Jewish mystic/magician who sincerely thought he could spark the miracles that he thought were necessary to bring about "The Kingdom of God."