See, first God made mosquitos, then he made the wet planet (we call "Earth") as an ideal place for them to live. Then, God created men for the mosquitos to feed on. And finally, men created God so that they would have someone to deliver them from mosquito-borne illnesses.
Everything In The Universe Was Created By Absolutely Nothing.
by Philadelphia Ponos 97 Replies latest jw friends
Ignorance is bliss.
Philadelphia Ponos
Ak-Jeff God wasn't created. God isn't subject to the laws of time that we're subject to. Similar to how a person (hypothetically) living on the moon isn't subject to the laws of physics on planet earth.
God wasn't created
Which God?
God certainly was created; in our ancestors' imaginations!!!
So you have no idea what the big bang theory states. You're forgetting the law of conservation of energy which states that matter cannot be created or destroyed and the theory of relativity which states that matter and energy can be interchangable. So really the big bang is a theory that everything that ever existed was always in existence just in a different form. At one point for some reason (who knows here it could be God) that material expanded and formed all the compounds we know of today.
So if you want to break it down to it's basest concept:
The Big Bang states that EVERYTHING came from EVERYTHING.
You on the other hand say that God poofed everything into existence from thin air. Not even re-arranging materials but simply out of nothing God created everything.
So if you want to break that down to it's basest concept:
God created EVERYTHING from NOTHING.
Sorry my friend but...
This is the purest example of an oxymoron. Repeat this sentence over and over again and you will realize why it's impossible for some people to accept the Creation model. -
Philadelphia Ponos
Something can't come from nothing that's a proven fact. Through out all of human history, no one has ever witnessed something being created out of nothing. No team of sciencitist has ever made something out of nothing. Something can't come from nothing. It's simply impossible.
You are presuposing that the bigband theory includes everything came from nothing. Can you prove that preexisting 'nothing' is part of the theory? I don't think that you can. There was 'something'.
In many cultures it is customary to answer that God created the universe out of nothing. But this is mere temporizing. If we wish courageously to pursue the question, we must, of course ask next where God comes from? And if we decide this to be unanswerable, why not save a step and conclude that the universe has always existed?
– Carl Sagan