Everything In The Universe Was Created By Absolutely Nothing.
by Philadelphia Ponos 97 Replies latest jw friends
We must find contentment in the fact that GOD is silent on some things.
God's capacity for Him being the absolute artist. Ever truly sit back and watch a sunset? The constant changing of seasons, gulls that soar over head, the mighty force of a volcano,
I won't bore you anymore with these few Gems and Jewels of Yahweh and his magnificence, but our modern technological (no how) is keeping us in near absolute ignorance.
With all the laws of science and the role of nature, could this have happened without a GOD to have brought all this about?
At that time Jesus answered and said, I thank thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them unto babes. Matthew 11:25
Funny how people who are always ready to point out the current limitations of science are happy to accept all that science has to offer when they get sick.
Why all religious loonies appeal to our feelings instead of appealing to our logic?
Jesus- 'I thank you Father for hiding stuff from educated people'..............
I liked the pretty picture of the spider's web. An ingenious tool designed to trap other insects which are then wrapped up in thread and devoured later.
The number of different ways the "designer" came up with for catching, trapping, poinsoning, dismembering and infecting his creations are almost infinite.
Back to the dark ages.
The number of different ways the "designer" came up with for catching, trapping, poinsoning, dismembering and infecting his creations are almost infinite.
My sentiments, exacly!!!
Why all religious loonies appeal to our feelings instead of appealing to our logic?
The two don't have to be mutually exclusive, you know.
LOL @ Prophecor.
A good one!
Why all religious loonies appeal to our feelings instead of appealing to our logic?
Not to mention the blatant appeals to ignorance:
We must find contentment in the fact that GOD is silent on some things.
Translation: Stop asking pesky questions! Stop thinking! Be stupid, and believe what we tell you.
Ever truly sit back and watch a sunset? The constant changing of seasons, gulls that soar over head, the mighty force of a volcano,
Thanks to astronomy, we understand the seasons, and why they happen. We understand how birds fly, the physical forces involved, pressure systems, and fluid dynamics.
Thanks to geology, we know what volcanoes are, and how the work. We understand plate tectonics, and even the nature of the inner earth.
We can throw away superstitious ideas such as volcanoes being 'gods', 'acts of god', or open gateways to a fiery "hell" beneath us. We realize all those ideas were based not on fact, but fiction.
Lightning. All phases of the Moon.
Thanks to meteorology, we now know that Lightning has nothing to do with god - but is the release of static electricity generated from ice and water particles colliding. We've come to understand the nature of electricity so well that it is a cornerstone of human society. There is scarcely anything we do in our day to day lives that doesn't involve the use of electricity.
Thanks to astronomy, we know that the phases of the moon are as simple as light striking a sphere. Such knowledge has freed us from the burden of superstitions, such as astrology.
Tornados, hurricanes. God's Feasts and Fury.
Thanks to science, we are improving our understanding of violent storms, climate patterns, and how to best predict and prepare for them. We know that weather is caused by changes in temperature and pressure in our atmosphere, fueled by the sun. Storms do not occur at random, nor are they caused by 'gods'. Although large and complex, there are physical, observable and measurable mechanical systems that govern storm systems.
I won't bore you anymore with these few Gems and Jewels of Yahweh and his magnificence, but our modern technological (no how) is keeping us in near absolute ignorance.
Yes, please stop boring us with your "Gems and Jewels". Anyone reading can compare how much actual ignorance is in this post compared to explanations that extend little further than "God's Fury'" and "God's Silence".
You openly plea for ignorance in your opening statement - "Find contentment in the fact that God is silent on some things." Then you try to suggest that scientific methodology - asking questions and seeking answers, seeking knowledge - somehow amounts to 'absolute ignorance'. Fail
There isno need to spell this out (it's "know-how", by the way) - readers can judge for themselves.
We find all the answers only to come to the place where we're not asking the right questions. Like: How could this not have happened, except by at least, intellegent design?
This is called 'loading the question' and then phrasing it poorly.
To what does the pronoun 'this' refer to in the sample question? It is not made clear through the context. As an example of "asking the right questions", your suggestion leaves something to be desired.
With all the laws of science and the role of nature, could this have happened without a GOD to have brought all this about?
With all the intelligence and wisdom that the biblical God is credited, could God have just happened without Super-God to have brought him about?
It is another loaded question that appeals to ignorance. "Because science can't explain everything (the origin of the natural laws), there is no other explanation than the Judo-Christian God."
When we don't know the answer to something, the only honest answer is "We don't know." The "god of the gaps" is forever fleeting, and an idea which can impedes real learning. (God in this sense is little more than mental caulk.)
God will not even regard those of us in our ivory towers of understanding, anyway.
This is another plea for ignorance. Ignorant people are good people.
At that time Jesus answered and said, I thank thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because thou hast hid
these things from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them unto babes. Matthew 11:25Yet another plea for ignorance - "The ignorant people are the only ones that know the truth."
Its only going to be more difficult for us to see God from our molecular human perspective.
Just what is our "molecular human perspective"? "I do not think that word means what you think it means."
The clock and the calendar will prove God true, and as for the rest of us,...
Like they did last weekend? The clock and calandar have been proving your God false every day for over 2000 years. Bible "knowledge" and prophecies have fallen far short of their words.
- Lime
So really the big bang is a theory that everything that ever existed was always in existence just in a different form.
Most subscribers to the Big Bang Theory don't believe matter and energy exsisted eternally. With a statement like that I don't see how you can argue against the exsistance of God.
Please name a scientist that doesn't think the law of conservation of energy is incorrect.
You on the other hand say that God poofed everything into existence from thin air. Not even re-arranging materials but simply out of nothing God created everything.
No I don't believe that at all. The Bible states God formed man out of the ground. Obviously by using many different compounds found in the earth. I don't know if you were being sarcastic but I don't know anyone who believes God created anything from "thin air".
So where did he get those compounds from there Phil? How did God create the Earth? This is what's called a straw-man argument where you pick a small part of the argument in order to avoid the issue as a whole.
God created EVERYTHING from NOTHING.
Oh. You were eager to use this line so that's why you falsely stated that I believed God created everything from thin air. Meh. I'll give you an E for effort.
Again with a straw-man, I'd give you an F but the description of the grade wouldn't make it on the board. So do you feel like actually addressing what the Big Bang really states or would you much rather just speak in gross platitudes without the hint of actual knowledge in the subject. I don't mind talking to you my degree is in Evolutionary Biology.