Hi. My background? Not a JW, not now, before or ever. Close relatives were abused by them, not within their religion, but actually abused. I find that I can be quite indignant at everything they stand for; that their study and learning is the epitome of what is dark and in the dark - the ways of modern day pharisees.
A bit caustic? Well, maybe; I often try not to talk down at people, but when it comes to JWism I can be up-set, and it's particularly upsetting to see how people have moved on from the org. but remain in the same mind-set, unspiritual, even afraid or defensive of teachings.
The JWs here are referred to as jovies, de-scribing a smiling people interested in fine things for their own, but about others they couldn't really give a shit; in fact, a personal gain stemming from hating, lying, or shunning etc. is welcome.
waiting, the red tent is a modern romance/drama story, maybe good for teaching but simply not the history of Dinah.
And pope, if you're 'not of this world' you'd know your children were going to be ok.
And tyydyy, didn't the JWs ever acknowledge that Jesus descended into hell? For some people, Easter Saturday is perhaps the most holy day they know, important to revelation of the paschal mystery.