I've Decided That It'll Be Best For Me To Return To The Kingdom Hall.

by Philadelphia Ponos 116 Replies latest jw friends

  • Ex-Dub MS
    Ex-Dub MS

    If feeling lonely while amongst the 'world' is bad, I can't imagine how subecting yourself to the additional humiliation of sitting in the back of the local Kingdom Hall, being shunned, looked down upon, ignored ahd whispered about week after week, month after month is going to help your outlook on life. Of course, this takes place while two or three 'brothers' twiddle their thumbs and watch to see if you're sufficiently 'crushed in spirit' to do exactly as you're told From This Day On.

    And that will do nothing to change your situation at the job either.

    I respect my J-Dub family's decision to keep (literally!) slaving on in the name of God as much as any other belief system that gets people through the day, encourages them to do well by their fellowman and (mostly) cause no harm to others. But the belief that it will somehow 'solve all your problems' is flat out wrong. Be it this faith or any other.

    Best of luck.

    -XD MS

  • steve2

    PP you may need a pain killer or two after reading the above verse-laden post. It exemplifies the extraordinary mindlessness of "true" believers. I recommend Panadol.

  • out4good3

    Reading this thread hurts.

  • sd-7

    Part of awakening to reality is, to an extent, learning tolerance for those whose morals are different from yours. You still have the power to elect not to involve yourself in their discussions or be needlessly upset by their harassment. But perhaps finding a different job might be a good idea, if possible. Regardless, if you think going back to the KH will REDUCE your stress, you are mistaken.

    If you know that certain important things being taught from the platform are not true, how is that any more morally upright than these potty-mouthed fellows? Liars and fornicators go to the same place, supposedly.

    The decision to go back because of some bad apples out there is often because you haven't yet learned to set good boundaries for yourself, by yourself. I had similar thoughts because I had dealings with someone who only wanted to use me. Guess what? At the KH, I found someone who wanted to do the same thing! Go figure!

    Well, either way, you have the freedom to make your own choice. Do what feels safest for you. And yes, seek therapy. Good idea. It'll help you to learn a lot about yourself.


  • Terra Incognita
    Terra Incognita

    Philadelphia Ponos:

    "Just a little background to makes thing clearer. I originally left 3 years and 10 months ago. I left because of the idolatry of the Governing Body."

    Philly, I also left because of their self-idolatry, for the most part. I was having anxiety attacks going out in field service and going to other congregation's book studies. In the long run, I could not stand the mere fact that I was keeping a Kingdom Hall seat warm.

    Just because you're different than many in the non-Jehovah's Witness world doesn't mean that you have only them as a choice. In fact, you have just [proven yourself to be different than the Witnesses themselves. If you don't feel that you fit in the "World", as the JWs self righteously call it, then you should not fit in their world where Pedophiles are cuddled while their victims are disfellowshipped.

    Affirming the (non) legitimacy of a blaspheming, narcissistic and psychopathic group of people is beneath the dignity of a person whose morality is fine tuned.

    Seek out your own world. All of us at JWN once walked on JW crutches but we ended up casting them away. If that means crawl to your own destiny then by all means, crawl.

  • Anne Marie 1925
    Anne Marie 1925

    Some people just need to suffer a little longer...and some just feel more comfortable having every facet of their lives...even their very thought processes...dictated to them.

    However, if you would just wait a bit before you rush back to the cult that seems to appeal to you and stop and think a minute... there are many Christian Fellowships that have people just like you...people who also live by Christian values, and people who really enjoy living a clean life according to Biblical principles; you don't have to go to the KH to find them, and you can go to different churches and fellowships and see where you feel most comfortable, and take the time to talk to the pastor or minister!! It certainly cannot hurt!!

    And after you have taken the time to check other avenues of "good association," if you still feel the need to go back to the KH, it will be there!!

    Take your time, and pray for God to guide you!!

  • Maze
    If I just find 10 JWs to be friends with and the other 6,999,990 are complete jerks, it'll still be much better than my current situation.

    The reason most ex-Jehovah's Witnesses return to the Christian congregation is because they're repentant toward Jehovah. I recommend looking up “repentance” in the Insight on the Scriptures book to get an complete understanding of what repentance entails. A repentant person returns to the Christian congregation because they have a genuine desire to rebuild their spirituality, not simply because they want to make new friends. Return to the meetings for the right reasons and everything else (true-friends included) will fall into place.

    w93 8/15 p. 11 Why You Need to Attend Christian Meetings

    Receiving Holy Spirit Through the Congregation

    By regularly attending Christian meetings with Jehovah’s Witnesses, we are strengthened by God’s holy spirit, which is resting upon his people. (1 Peter 4:14) Further, the Christian overseers in the congregation have been appointed by holy spirit. (Acts 20:28) This active force from God has a powerful influence on a Christian. The Bible says: “The fruitage of the spirit is love, joy, peace, long-suffering, kindness, goodness, faith, mildness, self-control.” (Galatians 5:22, 23) Holy spirit, working through God’s organization, will also help us to gain a wonderfully clear understanding of what Jehovah has in store for those who love him. After explaining that prominent people of this system of things cannot understand God’s purposes, Paul wrote: “It is to us God has revealed them through his spirit.”—1 Corinthians 2:8-10.

    Not all ex-Jehovah's Witnesses have the capacity to return to the Christian congregation. The vast majority of the participants on this forum are beyond repentance. Communicating with them for “advice” is as beneficial as administering medicine to the dead. Just some food for thought...

  • Terra Incognita
  • Morbidzbaby
    The vast majority of the participants on this forum are beyond repentance. Communicating with them for “advice” is as beneficial as administering medicine to the dead. Just some food for thought...

    Here's a thought: Why not take your own frickin' advice and quit posting here? If we're so "beyond repentance", then why do you come here and "freely associate" with us?

  • Terra Incognita
    Terra Incognita


    "Not all ex-Jehovah's Witnesses have the capacity to return to the Christian congregation. The vast majority of the participants on this forum are beyond repentance. Communicating with them for “advice” is as beneficial as administering medicine to the dead. Just some food for thought..."



    Are you trying to


    recoup Watchtower losses?

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