If feeling lonely while amongst the 'world' is bad, I can't imagine how subecting yourself to the additional humiliation of sitting in the back of the local Kingdom Hall, being shunned, looked down upon, ignored ahd whispered about week after week, month after month is going to help your outlook on life. Of course, this takes place while two or three 'brothers' twiddle their thumbs and watch to see if you're sufficiently 'crushed in spirit' to do exactly as you're told From This Day On.
And that will do nothing to change your situation at the job either.
I respect my J-Dub family's decision to keep (literally!) slaving on in the name of God as much as any other belief system that gets people through the day, encourages them to do well by their fellowman and (mostly) cause no harm to others. But the belief that it will somehow 'solve all your problems' is flat out wrong. Be it this faith or any other.
Best of luck.