I've never planned on becoming a JW again when I left, but the world bascially forced me to go back. I need something to counter all the negative vibes I get from my job.
Why don't you try getting another job and read the bible at home at nights?
When I return however I won't go out in field service nor join the school and I will split my time between serveral congregations and not become a member of a single congregation.
Uh, ya right. And you really think that the elders aren't going to have a little chat with you over that? Witnesses are not allowed to "split their time between several congregations", because (and you should know this already), this religion is extremely controlling and they want to know exactly what you're doing, when you're doing it and how you're doing it. Plus, if you don't plan on going out in Field Serve-Us, you'll be getting several 'sheppherding visits' regarding that. Overall, your plan is counter-productive. You claim you want to go back but you don't want to do any of the "Witness things" like sticking to your assigned congregation, giving talks or going out hammering on doors Saturday morning. How many Witnesses do you think will want to hang around you when you will clearly be viewed as "weak in the truth"?
It's your decision of course, but it doesn't sound like you've really thought this through.......