" Listen to God or Die a Slow and Agonizing Death " 2011 District Conventions of Jehovah's Witnesses
2011-2012 DC Brochure(s) "Listen to God" PDF
by yknot 81 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Thanks ynot!
JW facts so damn true!
Yknoty, yknoty.
I thought I accidentally downloaded the Simplified version at first. But no, it was the regular one. Do they really need a dumbed-down one for this? It's big pictures and very little text.
My Book of Bible Stories looks like War and Peace compared to this brochure's simplified version. Unreal.
No Room For George
Ok, I just downloaded this, finally a face to go with Satan.
Mad Sweeney
OMG I did the same thing several of you did. I downloaded the first one and thought they must be mis-labeled. ROFLMAO. The "simplified" version has huge BLANK areas because they just COULDN'T make it any more dumbed down without removing the text completely.
Is this what the cult has come to?
Thanks YKNOT, you are awesome! These made my day.
Anonymous Brother.Thank you always.
Well, with regard to the pictures of Adam and Eve, there are always what I think about.
Adam and Eve were stark-naked/nude.
Why don't they/GB portray that correctly?They always draw lies.
If they draw pictures correctly, I would accept their worth somewhat.
It seems that the JWs drawing the pictures of Adam and Eve do not imagine "the generative organs of Adam and Eve", for certain reasons.Probably, I need not the "Simplified version" but the "Adult version." LOL
OK,OK,OK, I downloaded the brochures and started reading them before reading any coment here. I also, thought I was reading the simplified version, then looked at the other. I am laughing so hard there are tears running down my face.
Now that I got that out of my system, I wonder if ths is for foreign language territory, where you uses the brochue and describe it in the foreign language?
Which talk mentioned the release, I would like to at least be objective about it.
Edited to add: Thanks again yknot and anyon bro!
Ok, I just downloaded this, finally a face to go with Satan.
LOL...I thought the same thing Miz. He looks bad ass and tough as nails. Kinda reminds me of Dennis Farina. While Jesus was making bird houses in his woodshop, Satan was runnin' the mob in Bethlehem.