Looking closer, the fruit kind of looks like it's having an outbreak of some kind...this was the first STD--sinfully transmitted disease! --sd-7
2011-2012 DC Brochure(s) "Listen to God" PDF
by yknot 81 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
No Room For George
Looking closer, the fruit kind of looks like it's having an outbreak of some kind...this was the first STD--sinfully transmitted disease! --sd-7 LOL
Also...Eve is hot.
No doubt! If that WT illustration is accurate, no wonder Adam said "Yes, dear" and starting chowing down on the forbidden fruit.
Really boys......"all about Eve" huh....
What caught my eye is the scared lil wimpy boy look on Adam's face as she shows him the fruit....(shakes head at such weakness)
Nugget and I have been discussing these brochures, we need to know who the target audience is? Is general public or, like the old "enjoy Life forever", is it aimed at those with reading difficulties?
Mad Sweeney
Which talk were these released as part of (if any)? And is it one of the recordings YKNOT linked to?
July began a simplified Kool-aid Watchtower. Now a simplified brochure to accompany an already-simpleton-level brochure.
I am betting they may be preparing to cut WAY BACK on foreign language support.
Which talk were these released as part of (if any)? And is it one of the recordings YKNOT linked to?
Yes -
Talk # 5 "What Will Go When God's Kingdom Comes?"
I haven't kissed a woman in so long, but I seem to recall closing my eyes when doing so.
I like to keep them open and watch their face go all outta focus.
Really boys......"all about Eve" huh....
They really did go out of there way to paint a gorgeous woman.
July began a simplified Kool-aid Watchtower. Now a simplified brochure to accompany an already-simpleton-level brochure.
Has this been confirmed as not just for kids yet?