OMG, you guys make me laugh!! NoRoom--Dr. Zaius--that's hilarious!
My Book of Bible Stories looks like War and Peace compared to this brochure's simplified version.
Unshackled hit the nail on the head. And yes, the simplified version is just downright embarassing. If someone is unable to read English well enough to read the regular version of the new broch, which itself is about a Grade 2 reading level, then they need to be reading in their first tongue.
The problem is--well, one of them--that the WT is stuck on the "easier the better" because, as so many have noted already, anyone with even a moderately good education is starting to see right through the nonsense. The fact is, many important things connected to the Bible--whether you accept it as the Word of God or not--ARENT simple and can't be made simple, or at least, not like the WT is attempting to do. Therefore, what they've ended up with, in this silly brochure, is a complete fiction unhitched from anything remotely resembling truth or reality (however you want to define that).
And yes, the good wifey in her apron wtih the casserole on the table just in time for the hurly burly meat-eatin husband caught my attention too. Also, did you note how every single spirit creature is a white-haired, bearded, semi-ageless Caucasian male with albatross wings? They really need to give better thought to the currency of their images.
Also, Paradise looks like Rivendell. Someone in the art dept.'s been watching LOTR...