Sarah Palin flubs the Paul Revere story 'Paul warned the British' HaahaaHaaaHaa

by designs 129 Replies latest social entertainment

  • snowbird
    "In fact, Revere’s own account of the ride in a 1798 letter seems to back up Palin’s claim."

    "Seems to back" are the operative words here.

    Taken in full context, the account also seems not to back Palin's claim.


  • Berengaria

    More revisionist history by the right wing nutters.

  • sir82
    Or rather, read it and keep your mouths shut, like you usually do, when you find out you jumped the gun and embarrassed yourself

    Dude, do you seriously - seriously now, in your heart of hearts - really believe that Sarah Palin is that smart, that she really didn't flub it up and knew her Paul Revere history frontwards and backwards so well that she merely appeared to be a numbnut?

    I'm honestly curious - do you really think ol' Sarah knew what she was talking about from the get-go, or was she being an idiot and just got lucky?

  • Judge Dread
    Judge Dread

    "Boston University history professor Brendan McConville said, “Basically when Paul Revere was stopped by the British, he did say to them, ‘Look, there is a mobilization going on that you’ll be confronting,’ and the British are aware as they’re marching down the countryside, they hear church bells ringing — she was right about that — and warning shots being fired. That’s accurate.”"

    It doesn't pass YOUR smell test because it wasn't a flaming left-winger who said it.

    If, uhhh, Obama had said it, you would be saying "Oh, see how smart he is! He gave us a lesson in history! That's why we elected him! He's the smartest President the USA has ever had! Ohhhh, ohhhh."

    And then all of you, including Chis Matthews, would have had a mass orgasm.


  • designs

    Oh goody Leftest Mass Orgasisms, something else the GOP is missing..............

    We're all heading to Woodstock..

  • Berengaria

    I'll save you a spot on my blanket Designs!

    If, uhhh, Obama had said it, you would be saying "Oh, see how smart he is! He gave us a lesson in history! That's why we elected him! He's the smartest President the USA has ever had! Ohhhh, ohhhh."

    Obama would never in a million years have delivered that mess of an answer.

  • Judge Dread
    Judge Dread


    In a nutshell, my issue is with the media and how it coddles the left and vilfies the right, and you brainwashed fools cannot see it.


  • designs


    If only we would listen to Beck and Limbaugh we'd be all straightened out...

  • Berengaria

    We can't see it, because it isn't there. You've come to this conclusion based on your own hypothetical?? On the other hand, we have the reality of yet another glaring example of Palin's lack of knowledge, intelligence and grace, and you folks are tripping over yourselves to turn it in to something else. Who is brainwashed?

  • james_woods

    It does occur to me that dumb or not, Palin can probably more easily afford a real Paul Revere tea set than any of us here on JWN.

    Although she would admittedly be more likely to spend the money on moose guns or an outboard moter, I would suspect.

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