Sarah Palin flubs the Paul Revere story 'Paul warned the British' HaahaaHaaaHaa

by designs 129 Replies latest social entertainment

  • Terra Incognita
    Terra Incognita

    Berengaria: "I had to cook dinner!!!"

    See what happens when you take care of mundane matters?

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    She would have been better off reciting this version.

  • BizzyBee

    Somebody re-decorated the Palin family vacation bus:

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    If it were just this instance, I would not be so triggered. I misspeak frequently. Most people do. When you set yourself up as someone extra special, though, people want to see polish. When I was in high school in Newark, NJ, my black classmates would talk about leaving the US soon b/c it was so corrupt and broken. If she is elected, I am getting to Europe somehow.

    She could raise a lot of funds for the GOP, distract from the main candidate. The winner has to put Palin her place yet keep the GOP base. It is worse than Hillary and Obama. I've heard her sound bytes. Reading the papers daily and watch several news shows a night, I have no clue what she stands for, except herself.

    She has provided entertainment, though, as a joke. If she were not a woman, others could dismiss her more readily.

    George Bush drove me crazy. Yet I never thought he was stupid. Bordering on evil, maybe. People can make these verbal slips and still be brilliant. Bright, well read, articulate people can be monsters, just as readily. Donald Trump and she seemingly mastered the art of saying not much, only posturing and reaping the rewards. So many qyalified people do not run b/c of the financial burden. Every office seems to be inhabited by personal wealth. The middle class does not have much chance at elective office these days. Well, Sarah, has us talking about her which is a triumph from her viewpoint.

  • BizzyBee

    Ironic how she refuses to be interviewed by anyone other than FOX stooges, yet she still manages to embarrass herself even without the lamestream gotch'a media's help.

  • thetrueone

    I'm pretty but stupid and a well known celebrity, whose made millions being exactly who I am.

    Should I stop being a well paid celebrity and cut off this mountain of money coming my way.......uh uh

    as long as the money is coming in I'm not shutting up for no one !

    I'm American after all and I have my constitutional rights to express myself. $$$

  • BizzyBee

    Let's see..... the POTUS is paid $400,000 per year......Palin can easily make 10X that much as a media whore.....hmmmmmm....wonder which she will choose.....and

    claim that it is about "concern for her family".....what a joke!

  • Paralipomenon

    I think a major factor of her popularity is the fact that many dems can't stand her.

    Naturally, since democrats can't stand her, she has to be something to fear and major player since Dems are 100% wrong about everything.

  • NeckBeard
  • Berengaria

    LOL, not only is that the only misspeak you guys ever seem to come up with, what does it have to do with the current dumbassedness of Palin?

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