SURVEY: Is a JWN members post count a reasonable indicator of their theist/atheist position? If so what can be learned from that?

by nicolaou 51 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • nicolaou

    Thanks for the input Nickolas. I'm no statistician, this is just a 'rough & ready' type of survey but your point is well taken. I actually had Shelby in mind when I mentioned exceptions, truth be told I see her as a complete aberration!

    I'm tempted by the thought that as individuals spend more and more time interacting on the forum faith becomes less defendable. That's not a criticism of any individual believers - there are ignorant fools on both sides of the debate - just that, as a person is exposed to a greater degree of questioning and a wider source of information, belief in the supernatural should decline.

    Or maybe I'm just hoping . . .

  • unshackled

    #3....though haven't been here long enough for that high a post count. Yet.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas


    As for your theory, the number of posts is a rough indicator of how long a person has been thinking for themseelves, since True Believerâ„¢ Dubs wouln't be here at all, or will only lurk until they gain the self-confidence and courage to make that first post. I believe that the longer a person thinks over what the WTB&TS has taught them, the more likely they are to discard those teachings.

    The point has been made before that most theists are only "one (or two) god(s) away" from being atheists. For example, Christians usually do not consider Allah, Vishnu or Odin to be valid "gods." Or the Christian may claim that Allah, Vishnu and Odin are really "anti-gods" - the gods of FALSE, demonic, satanic religion.

    Most theists believe in a good "god" and a bad "god." Some might say that the "bad god" doesn't exist, but that separation from the "good god" is the source of evil. Whatever. If a person come to view his previous belief in dueling gods or a single lone god as unrealistic, he is an atheist.

    To my mind, people who say hey are "agnostic" are simply trying to please everyone by not appearing "confrontational." Sitting on the fence is too painful for me. There is no objective, verifiable evidence that any spirit creatures exist or that "hidden realms are anything other than ideas or delusions.

    Theists can be no more certain of their world-view than atheists, so in a very broad sense we all "DON'T KNOW" and are thus AGNOSTIC.

    Let's agree to flip a two-sided coin. Does it come up GOD or NO GOD? Our coin has no thickness, so it cannot land on its edge.

  • IsaacJ22

    I'm an atheist, so I guess I fall under choice #3. I have a mere 108 posts, not counting this one.

  • flipper

    No, it's just an indicator that they have more time to put more posts up. I'm an agnostic and I have a lot to say and write about. But I've seen religious people post a lot as well. I don't think how many " post counts " a person has can determine if they believe in God or not. Just my take

  • Chariklo


    ...but my number ofposts is misleading because I've only recently found the board, so your principle falls down with me.It's invalid for everyone really, because presumably many have joined at different times.

    Instead of just counting number of posts, why not take number of days since registering on the board divided by number of posts?

  • slimboyfat

    greendawn is a counter example - one of the most prolific posters and a creationist, I believe.

    obves, jcanon, badboy what about them?

  • Juan Viejo2
    Juan Viejo2

    True believer ex-JWs will often post on other forums and then spend their time arguing over the Trinity or JC's divinity or whether creation was 6 days or 42,000 years. I don't have time for any of that so I come here and occasionally the Yuku board.

    I'm a strong #3 with leanings to #4 - total atheism.


  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    #3 [Strongly Highlighted]

    I probably hit 8 or 10 thousand posts before I finally gave up all idea of God. I don't think you can name a point where that might occur. But exposure to all sorts of ideas [and JWN helps that], will eventually lead many to #3.


  • yknot

    I am content with #1

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