Aug.1 WT: God is not omnipresent, independent of physical universe, uses probes

by unshackled 59 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • jwfacts

    Another flip flop. Jehovah used to reside within the universe.

    1928 book Reconciliation, and said on page 14:

      "The constellation of the seven stars forming the Pleides appears to be the crowning center around which the known systems of the planets revolve even as our sun's planets obey the sun and travel in their respective orbits. It has been suggested, and with much weight, that one of the stars of that group is the dwelling-place of Jehovah and the place of the highest heavens; that it is the place to which the inspired writer referred when he said: "Hear thou from thy dwelling place, even from heaven" (2 Chron. 6:21); and that it is the place to which Job referred when under inspiration he wrote: "Canst thou bind the sweet influences of Pleiades, or loose the bands of Orion?"--Job 38:31.
  • Mary
    Another thing, in the article they use 1 Corinthians 15:44 as the support for the following sentence: "He resides in the spiritual heavens, a realm independent of the physical universe."
    @Mary: thank you for blowing my mind.

    Ironically, this is one point where the Borganization might actually be on the right track. If there is a God, then he's something bigger and more omnipotent than what any of us humans in the physical world can imagine. At the moment, quantum physics---as a science---is in it's infancy but there seems to be a possible link to the quantum world and spirituality:

  • ssn587

    so does satan see us with an early moring boner able to read body language that says we are having porno thoughts or just have to relieve the early morning lizard?

  • Mary
    so does satan see us with an early moring boner able to read body language that says we are having porno thoughts or just have to relieve the early morning lizard?

    Yes, Satan de Debbil is hovering over your bed each and every morning waiting to see what's happening with your dinger.

  • poppers

    And why is there so many damn syllables in the word phonetically?

    Because there are 5 vowels, none of which are in combination with any others.

  • unshackled

    Thank you poppers . . . that's the answer I was looking for! Now if I could just pronounce it...

    so does satan see us with an early moring boner able to read body language that says we are having porno thoughts or just have to relieve the early morning lizard?

    ssn587...Satan is a regular dude like you and me, so he understands the Morning Wood. Though wish he wouldn't have this creepy inquisitive look when we do.

  • undercover

    "These verses clearly indicate that Jehovah
    God dwells, not everywhere, but only in heaven.
    Of course, “the heavens” mentioned in
    these passages does not refer to the atmosphere
    surrounding the earth nor to the vast expanse
    of outer space. The physical heavens cannot
    contain the Creator of the universe. (1 Kings 8:27)
    The Bible tells us that “God is a Spirit.”
    (John 4:24) He resides in the spiritual heavens,
    a realm independent of the physical universe.

    What about Jesus? He have a condo in Malibu? Where do all the 144,000 go? Trailer park in South Carolina?

  • unshackled

    Good questions undercover. Another did Jehovah go about inpregnating Mary without entering our physical universe? And was that the first ever, and only, interdimensional booty call?

  • Pika_Chu

    @unshackeled: they tried to say something else recently that was ridiculous: that he isn't omniscient! He didn't KNOW Adam and Eve would sin because, get this, he only looks into the future selectively! What the hell?!

  • james_woods

    Unshackled, your Satan poster looks a lot like the old actor Lee Marvin.

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