Aug.1 WT: God is not omnipresent, independent of physical universe, uses probes

by unshackled 59 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • sir82

    I think someone already mentioned this, but....

    What exactly is the functional difference between "omnipresence" and "perceiving what is happening at any point in the universe"?

    Apparently there is no topic so obscure, nor so completely ignored in the Bible, that it can't be speculated about at length in the pages of the WT.

  • botchtowersociety
    Aug.1 WT: God is not omnipresent, independent of physical universe, uses probes

    They cite

    1 Kings 8:27: But will God really dwell on earth? The heavens, even the highest heaven, cannot contain you. How much less this temple I have built!

    and yet they ignore:

    Jer. 23.24: “Do not I fill heaven and earth?” declares the LORD.


    Acts 17:28:For in him we live and move and have our being

    The Watchtower says God is beyond, but denies He is within.

  • james_woods
    Apparently there is no topic so obscure, nor so completely ignored in the Bible, that it can't be speculated about at length in the pages of the WT.

    And, according to more than a century of WT tradition, there is no topic about which the WT can simply and honestly say - we just do not know.

  • Mary

    It's so silly. We all know Jehover resides in the Dagobah System Pleiades.

  • unshackled
    Um, if Jehovah is a spirit, how exactly does he have a spirit that helps Him do amazing things like seeing through lead and looking at rocks on Mars.....

    Good question Mary. Maybe I don't quite understand how the Trinity is supposed to work....but does this not kinda sound Trinity-ish? Even though the WTBS constantly harps on the evil teaching that is the Trinity.

    Another thing, in the article they use 1 Corinthians 15:44 as the support for the following sentence:"He resides in the spiritual heavens, a realm independent of the physical universe."

    Here is what that scripture says (New King James version): "It is sown a natural body, it is raised a spiritual body. There is a natural body, and there is a spiritual body."

    Already said I'm not a bible wizard, but isn't that quite the stretch? It mentions a spiritual the WTBS interprets that as "a realm independent of the physical universe".

    Any bible experts out there want to weigh in on that?

  • VM44

    "God is not omnipresent, independent of physical universe, uses probes"


  • Chariklo
    Um, if Jehovah is a spirit, how exactly does he have a spirit that helps Him do amazing things like seeing through lead and looking at rocks on Mars.....
    Good question Mary. Maybe I don't quite understand how the Trinity is supposed to work....but does this not kinda sound Trinity-ish? Even though the WTBS constantly harps on the evil teaching that is the Trinity.

    The Trinity actually makes a lot of sense, though not as it is caricatured by the WT.

  • Pistoff

    Nice Star Trek reference VM44

  • GOrwell

    @Mary: thank you for blowing my mind.

    @Unshackled: the idea that God must have a spirtual body in the same sense or physical characteristics as the one he gives his creations upon ressurrection is so laughable as to be embarrassing.

  • Pistoff

    This should be an enjoyable question, for religious types. What is God? Is he omnipresent? Since we *don't know*, it can be a great discussion; what are the pros and cons of each idea? How does reality and faith argue for one or the other?

    But the WT sucks all the air out of the room, by saying with certainty that he is not omnipresent, without discussing any of the reasons some believe he is or isn't, or even if he has to be or cannot be.

    And they totally nail god to the tarmac by comparing his 'spirit' to astronauts collecting moon dust. Wow.

    So then, if we tie 2 of their ideas together, he must be sending angels and his HOLY SPIRIT to see if little Billy is having a wank again, and kill some more kittens if he is.

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