To the Household of FSM, IPU, and Those Who Have Gone With ....

by OnTheWayOut 60 Replies latest jw friends

  • tec

    1. If there is no god there is no objective standard of good and bad
    2. Spaghetti is objectively good
    3. Therefore The FSM - ta daaa!

    Both of my sons think spaghetti is gross ;)

  • OnTheWayOut
    Both of my sons think spaghetti is gross ;)

    See how that even proves FSM exists?

    Many nonbelievers in the Bible point out how that deity allowed/encouraged genocide, slavery, rape, etc. Believers point out how necessary such stuff was and then make some excuses that it isn't due to YHWH or whatever they call the deity.

    Well, same with those that can't stand free love, independent thought, parmesan, or spaghetti. Some like it, but don't get the green spinach pasta. Some like a sweet sauce and others like it more spicy. FSM has something for everyone.

    Either that, or your kids are just weird. Who doesn't like spaghetti and meatballs covered with cheese? C'mon, admit you like it.

  • tec

    Oh, I like spaghetti. Baked in the oven with cheese melted overtop. Or done in the slow cooker with homemade meatballs and lots of garlic. Mmm. But liking spaghetti, unfortunately for Cofty, seems to be subjective, rather than objective.

    But I know where my spaghetti comes from... and it isn't a can. Not since, well, they started putting sauce in jars :P



  • cofty

    Both of my sons think spaghetti is gross

    See! As Dostoyevsky said "without the FSM anything is possible"

  • talesin

    lol @ palm

    a new song for my repertoire!

    and speaking of spaghetti & meatballs ,,, goddess I miss eating spaghetti!!!


  • cantleave

    Speghetti may be gross but the balls - the balls are good!

  • ziddina


    And rolling on the floor with laughter...!!!

  • OnTheWayOut

    I can't respond to each individual. Thanks all for making a great thread about thinking for yourself.

  • Mad Sweeney
    Mad Sweeney

    But it's still funny if not used to humiliate and degrade a person...

    ALL humor humiliates or degrades someone. That's what humor IS. All jokes have a butt.

  • ziddina


    "But it's still funny if not used to humiliate and degrade a person... "


    "As a means of challenging pretentiousness and pomposity it's the only way ..."

    Well, one person's punctured stuffed shirt is another person's humiliation...

    But that's the way it should be!! [In other words, stuffed shirts need to be punctured...]

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