Can the Bible be proved wrong?
by The Quiet One 158 Replies latest watchtower bible
The Quiet One
I'd like to believe that I'm an open minded person, but when I thought about it I realised that I've never seriously considered the possibility of the Bible not being Gods Word. I've been bombarded with evidence of its inspiration, and read most of the Bible (NWT), although not all that deeply as I always believed the scriptures cited in the Watchtower were enough... Can anyone here actually PROVE that the Bible isn't inspired of God, with at least one specific example? Or can it not be proved? All answers welcome :)
Define "inspired by God".
Question: Who wrote the books and letters of the bible and who transcribed them?
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Apart from the Bible’s historical accounts, it dwells on things unseen that happen in an invisible spirit realm. Holy Spirit pervades and achieves. The promises are to be fulfilled in a spirit realm. God is the bid invisible Daddy in the sky.
How can one prove or disprove such assertions?
"The earth is firmly established, it cannot be moved." ~1 Chronicles 16:30; Psalms 93:1; 96:10
"The burden of Damascus. Behold, Damascus is taken away from being a city, and it shall be a ruinous heap." ~Isaiah 17:1
"And the Egyptians will I give over into the hand of a cruel lord; and a fierce king shall rule over them, saith the Lord, the LORD of hosts. And the waters shall fail from the sea, and the river [Nile] shall be wasted and dried up." ~Isaiah 19:4,5