Dear The Quiet One,
The journey you are embarking on sounds much like mine, I was born-in, and stayed in for 58 years.
When I left I decided to read the Bible without Watchtower goggles on. I then decided to really look at the bible's claim of inspiration. I was also looking at alternative faith systems/religions etc.
I think this is not a bad way of slowly educating yourself, but if you want to cut out a lot of research and time, start at the beginning.
Decide what sort of person you want to be in life, do you wish to remain a deluded/duped person who believes in something because men tell you it is so?
Then O.K, go away and believe in the Tooth Fary, Santa Claus, whatever you wish to believe in.
I decided I would only put my trust in things that could be proven, and proven in a rationalistic and forensic way.
If you decide that life would be better that way, and I think it is, then start by proving the existence of God, when you have done that ,come back here and give us the proof.
Or if you do not find any evidence, move on in life, leaving bibles and religious mumbo-jumbo behind.
Good Luck !