I think of myself as 'Moderate Libertarian' if I must attach a lapel card. And I'm not sure that is entirely the correct one.
I endorse fiscal conservative thinking, believe in limited government, and a strong domestic defense policy. In these areas, I could find myself in agreement with the talk show host. In other areas, my views of gay marriage, God, and faith, I would find myself at complete opposite ends of the continuum with Beck.
Still, even when he is speaking of things I can agree with, I find the man disgusting. I think he is a charlatan, milking his listening audience of their funds and dignity. I find absolutely no reason for instance, that this guy should be planning 'Stand for Courage' demonstration in Israel this summer.
I think he is a circus clown with his constant 'event' mentality. Like he believes himself some sort of modern day Savior to the world. On the other hand, if I listened to the guy earnestly, I might find I agree? What am I missing with this guy? And why does he dredge up a desire to kick him in the hinder-parts every time I see him?
I mean honestly. Please don't turn this into a 'Let's kick Glenn Beck's ass' thread. I am seriously wondering why I feel so conflicted about this guy. Thoughts?