I am now sitting at home. Alone. My wife left with my little child. My fault (I dislike the word "fault", but don't have a better one right now).
It feels strange, relieved and free, at the same time it was all very strange. I gave the letter to one of the local elders. Strange enough I was calm and serene to talk to him for about 2 hours about my developments, time at Bethel, how I became an Atheist. He was surprised, nonethelss talked calmly to me and asked many questions.
I never tought that it would be so easy, at the same time.....well....now the sh&% hit the fan! The family thing will (has) begun....I received emails, text messages, phone calls....I'm tired....I haven't answered to most of them. Only a very, very long email to a long time "friend"....(because I don't know if he will continue as my friend).
Well. I am not ready to "OUT" myself. Just needed to comunicate to somebody. This took huge balls of steel, because of my long term history and life connections.....all gone now. I will need to fill the gap.........
Thanks for your help and words!!!! After THAT conversation I'm officially an Apostate .....