Of course, godrulz, I have told you my point over and over, and you don't get it.
Jesus miracle stories and the gospels were written after Paul wrote his works.
The miracle stories didn't exist when Paul was alive.
And Paul may or may not have believed that Jesus was physically raised from the dead; that is my point.
He was raised up, lifted up yes; you still worship him today, don't you? He was elevated, he has become the center of life for millions of christians.
But Paul may NOT have ever said he was physically resurrected. Paul never says he saw Jesus; Acts says that. Paul describes it differently.
MY POINT is that you dogmatically assert that what you believe is true, but you cannot prove it.
The attempt you made to say that Paul quotes Jesus is not at all proof; he repeats part of the blood/flesh ritual that Paul saw among his followers.
Paul cares not one bit what Jesus taught; no humility sayings, no standing up to religious authority, none of it.
Paul either does not care, or doesn't know.
Do you get it yet? Paul INVENTED christianity, not Jesus. Christians MISUNDERSTAND what the gospels mean, and the writings of Paul
They take them out of the context of the time and circumstances of their writing.
And now, of all things, you call me a nitwit? Is that what being born again has done for you?
Now I know I have won the argument; you have resorted to name calling.