Why Some Cannot "See" that the Bible is NOT the Word of God
by AGuest 98 Replies latest jw friends
You wrote:
:DON’T listen if you don’t WANT to. I mean, ‘cause I get it: it’s not for EVERYONE. But my understanding is that it isn’t meant to be, anyway.
I get that part, too. Not everyone likes my stuff, either.
It's hard to separate "story" from punchy truisms or whatever it is one wants to convey.
: Word, Farkel.
Did I butcher grammar or make typos, then? If so, how so? I'm always willing to learn from legends like you.
1) well said
2) said in agreement
3) can be used as a greeting, hey whats up1..and 2...You goin to that rocks tanite....word
3) word uphttp://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=word
I was agreeing with you, you old fart, in the most succinct way I could, given the context.
Using urban dictionary to prove any point is a yellow card in my book.
Man, ah 'sho luvs ya'll boyz. All 'fo 'o ya'llz. 'Fo shizzy!
Peece, chikins!
A slav o'de Lawd... 'n yer fren 'fo eva...
Same page, I think, Shelby. If you're poking fun at the whole charade, that is.
There is more than one dialect of the English language, sab.
If you're poking fun at the whole charade, that is.
Cose ah iz, deah Nik (peece t'ya'll, chile!)... cose ah iz!
Yo sirvint n' a slav 'o de Lawd,
P.S. You do realize that W&P is not only long, but a classic and one of the most read... critically acclaimed... and loved... books out there, right?
P.S. You do realize that W&P is not only long, but a classic and one of the most read... critically acclaimed... and loved... books out there, right?
Yes, my dear. Much like your posts.