dear AGuest...
the demon that clings to you is BOUND to the written word of God from genesis to revelation...and each time you use the bible to teach anything
it is a gentle REBUKE to you in the name of Jesus Christ...matthew michelle
I`m Agnostic..But..I do have a few Questions..
1) ..As someone Claiming to be a Christian..
You start out Extremely Derogatory and Hateful..Why?
It`s very UnChristian Like..
2)..It`s obvious you Recognise the Bible as the Word and the Law..
Jesus gets the Back Seat..
You ignore Jesus as the New Law..You Ignore Jesus as the Last word..
Why even Pretend to be a Christian,when you don`t Exclusively follow Jesus?..
3)..Why "Love Michelle" at the end of your post,when it`s Obvious your Hateful?..
Your expression of Love,is a Lie..We all know who the "Father of the Lie" is..
4)..Even as an Agnostic..
I can understand Shelby perfectly..Her`s is a message of Love..
You are a Toxic Pool of Hate..Sealed with a Kiss..
Why is it I can understand Shelby`s "Message of Jesus and Love" ..
While you can`t ?..
If there is a Satan and a Jesus..
I think Your Working for the Wrong Guy..
....................... ...OUTLAW