Ah, dear Daddy-O… the greatest of love and peace to you, dear one! I hear you, my dear, truly. And of course, you’re probably right, that most (perhaps including you) won’t/don’t read my long “treatises”. Thing is, I’m probably not the first that this has happened to. I mean, it’s quite possible that that’s what happened to Israel in the first place (well, after crossing the Jordan): they considered the “scriptures” (Moses, the Prophets, and the Psalms) too onerous to read (‘cause Lord knows, some of those were literally books in their own right!)… and so didn’t even bother after awhile. I certainly don’t doubt that it’s what occurred after the Apostles died (someone stepped up and said, “Christ said this and Paul meant that…” when in fact they hadn’t… but it would have taken too much for a person to actually read what either was supposed to have said or meant for themselves – way too much, there. So, heck, why NOT rely on what others SAY they said/meant, even if they were lying?
It certainly is the problem in the WTBTS, isn’t it? Very few THERE actually read what they attempt to “sell” to others. Many, many more would probably come out, though, if they actually did. I digress.
I dunno know, D. I mean, sometimes I would LOVE to be short, sweet, and to the point… but that’s really not my way or style. And, on a few occasions, I am lengthy so as to work out what’s in ME… including my own “urge” to just blow someone’s hair back with a few curt words. Can’t do that, though; not my Lord’s way.
But I don’t have a problem that many/most don’t read what I post, really. I mean, some people like Haiku… some prefer sonnets. Some don’t like poetry at all, though, and so perhaps someone like William Shakespeare doesn’t appeal to them. But I love old Will; I GET him, so…
Look, I am more than happy to say to anyone who is “listening”… DON’T listen if you don’t WANT to. I mean, ‘cause I get it: it’s not for EVERYONE. But my understanding is that it isn’t meant to be, anyway.
May I offer something that my Lord had me share with another close to 15 years ago? That one wanted to get to straight to the end, where he believed there was a large gem waiting for those to who did. And… there is. However, I was told to ask him: “Is it truly wise, though, to pass up the plethora of small gems on the way… in the pursuit of that one sole gem?”
I think I would sum it up in the words of children’s writer, E. L. Koningsburg (or whomever she plucked it from):
“Often times the search… proves MORE profitable… than the goal.”
Which has been true… for ME: often times it is the small, even tiny gems… which add up… that have just as much value, or even more… than the one large one at the end.
So, I hear you, my dear friend… and totally understand and appreciate your effort to help. Truly, I do. Just not sure if I can comply, is all. Hope you understand… and take no offense.
As always, the greatest of love and peace to you!
YOUR servant, friend, and a slave of Christ,
SA, who really isn’t “above” constructive criticism, truly… but is, well, aware of, but content, with her “flaws” in this particular regard…