First of all, I think that this thread is a damn fine example of a good thread; everyone is having their say, and no one is getting too bent out of shape, and people are just being excellent unto on another. Everyone pat yourselves on the back.
Adonai; You posted a website a while back that you claimed seriously refuted evolution sometime ago. Now, I've been there, and I have to tell you, I don't think that site refutes anything. If it does anything, it more firmly establishes the stereotype of creationist websites as thoroughly unscientific places where unsound arguements are put forth.
If you want to know why I think this, I'm quite happy to go through various claims on that website and refute them one by one, but do not intend to put together lengthy and detailed posts unless you are interested in doing this, as I don't like the sound of my own keyboard that much!
If you want to do this, just give me a topic, and I'll tell you why that website is wrong and current evolutionary theory is right. If you don't want to do it, no problem, but I have to say if you've based your beliefs in creation on web sites like that, I disagree with your conclusions and can give you chapter and verse why.
Kaethra; The context of what I said was responding to flower fearing life in a godless Universe was meaningless. I hope my illustrations show that this is not true.
I am sorry if you take it as a claim that atheists are morally superior. I wasn't even talking about that, I was illustrating how the absence of god does not result in the absence of good.
The fact does remain that some religionists do do things or do not do things because of religious sruples. We have all been there; the JW attitude towards charitable giving? Belief systems where there is a requirement to give alms or to tithe?
Face it, it happens, but do not take the fact that it happens as a claim on my part to be morally superior, or a claim that the fundamental reason many religionists 'do good' is different from the fundamental reason why many atheists 'do good', or a claim that atheists never 'do good' for social betterment and esteem. I never said any of that.
I hope you are also as vigilent in confronting the attitudes of religonists who make claims as to moral superiority over atheists. If you are, you must be very busy indeed.
As regarding humour or comments regarding religion, again, I think you go a little far, and ignore a fundamental right.
Low-life racist scum, homophobes, mysogynists and their ilk have a freedom to say what they want to about their beliefs.
No one is going to feed Christians to lions or burn Wiccans because of a few Jesus jokes or atheistic irony towards religionists, or at least due to the humour I use - if someone was advocating violence or intolerance, that's a different thing.
As the risks towards non-whites, gays and women are far higher due to the speech that is legally acceptable about them, I think that efforts would best be directed towards those sorts of statements, as they can end up hurting far more than feelings.
I can also put you in the direction of websites where religionists poke fun at evolution by means of jokes and cartoons. Is that okay? Or ignorant comments about Muslims made by Christians?
The fact that not all politicians are corrupt does not mean you should not make jokes about corrupt politicians, does it?
The fact that all vegetarians are not animal rights activists who think using animals to help find cures for human diseases is fundamentally wrong does not mean you should not make jokes about the eating habits of animal rights activists, does it?
The fact that many Jehovah's Witnesses are sincere does not mean that you shouldn't make jokes about Jehovah's Witnesses, does it?
Of course, you are entitled to your opinion, and I am entitled to mine, and I guess the compromise is for you not to laugh when I tell jokes like that, and for me to listen when you complain about my jokes, as that why we both have freedom of speech.
ashi; very well put.
People living in glass paradigms shouldn't throw stones...