flower; "I'm just shocked. I cant understand how what the purpose of life is withough a God. I dont even like entertaining this possibility but I cant not. I wish I hadnt started this thread."
You are now struggling with cognitive dissonance. You're belief (god) is being challanged, you are intelligent enough to realise it is not an open-and-shut case of 'yes there is', and the thought that not only the religion you have based your entire life on, but that the entire CONCEPT you have based your life on might be a big lie is understandably daunting. You don't even want to think about the implications
Do not however, slip into the shallow redundent reasoning of theists speculating on how worthless life is if there is no god. If there is no god, then life has exactly as much worth as it had before. It's just you don't believe in fairy stories any longer.
Look at the Santa arguement. A 5 year-old discovers there is no Santa. Is life now worthless? No. Why? Because everyone important loves him just as much as before he knew, the love they put into making his Christmas special is just the same, it's just it is now from his family and friends, rather than a mythical being.
Hell, doesn't that make it sound better?
Santa got you a doodah! Yippee, along with a billion other kids, wow, how... well... ordinary.
Your mum and day scrimped and saved and planned long and hard, just to give you some joy. Woah! How WONDERFUL.
Someone stops in the street and flips a beggar $5, asks how they're doing. Why? To impress god or be a good Christian/Muslim/Jew/Whatever. Oh. Okay.
Another person does it because they WANT to, because it makes them feel good about themselves, because if they walk on by they feel like shit. How WONDERFUL.
Someone gives their life to save a loved one, knowing they'll be reunited in the after-life. Impressive.
Someone gives their life to save a loved one, because they value that loved ones life more than their own. How wonderful.
Someone is really sad when someone dies, but looks forward to seeing them in the after-life. How sad.
Someone is really sad when someone dies. They know they are gone, forever. They think of how brave, funny, special, clever, loving that person was, of how unique they were, and it humbles them and makes them want to be a better person, and makes them determined to make more of life, as it is all to briefly done. And they keep alive the memory of that person because if they don't do that, they really are gone forever, but by telling Jimmy how wonderful his grandma was, that he can't remember because he was too young when she died, and all the wonderful wisdom and kindness that she had, you keep grandma's memory alive and vibrant. How WONDERFUL.
You live, you die, you get your reward afterwards. Okay...
You live, you die, you have to get your reward NOW, as there is no afterwards. How energising! What a way to make what you do in life REALLY important. You can't duck responsibility to the guy upstairs to sort out the world's problems... you have to do it yourself with your fellow humans as no-one else is going to do it. How WONDERFUL.
For me flower, the fact I don't really believe in god does not render my life meaningless. It makes it energised and important, a source of wonder and joy. It makes me feel like a member of the human race, rather than an occupant of some waiting room in some divine plan.
Do not despair, thing will get better.
People living in glass paradigms shouldn't throw stones...