Just another way of looking at the same problem:
For those of us who've been in the org. for decades, we've heard how the faithful local jw's talk about those who leave
1. they got materialistic.
2. lost sight of the really important things.
3. lost their love for Jehovah.
4. Some people are in the Truth, but the Truth's not in them.
5. they've obviously been spiritually weak for a while now.
6. Satan's overtaken them.
7. It's so sad, they have young children who'll suffer for their choice.
8. they're breaking their parent's hearts.
9. they never did appreciate the Truth.
So, when we leave - for none of the above specifically perhaps - we want to explain we're not Satan's Seed, we just want to leave. But we can't explain ourselves and keep our family & friends, however distant they become, at least we have some communication. We may choose to be mute - but it's hard - and some of us know the type of gossip that's being said about us.
My daughter, who has been df'd for approx. 7 yrs., eats at a local restaurant occasionally, where a former jw friend of hers is a waitress. The jw waitress waited on her - but would not say a word. My daughter left a $5. tip for a $10. meal. I said I wouldn't have left her a thing for not speaking. She said no - at least now the woman would have no room to gossip more about her. Paid protection from a cheap shot.