When should you Disassociate yourself?

by happytobefree 72 Replies latest jw friends

  • mgm

    In order to continue relationship to my familiy, I didn't write a letter of dissasociation. I did write a letter to the elders to inform them, that we wanna have a break of all activities.
    But my family is very extrem. They face us as bad influence and reduced the contact to a minimum..
    So, what hold us back to leave 100%?

  • DriveslikeJehu

    Sorry Thinker's Wife, that kinda stumped me. I wasn't saying that the GB writes all the literature. I knew about the writing committees and all, since they were featured in the first video. It even shows the brothers picking a cover for one of the magazines out of several photos that were taken.
    What I was saying was just that the GB makes the Bible-based guidelines, not the part of the WTBT&S that prints literature and all the other stuff I said before(yadda, yadda).

  • DriveslikeJehu

    Sorry Thinker's Wife, that kinda stumped me. I wasn't saying that the GB writes all the literature. I knew about the writing committees and all, since they were featured in the first video. It even shows the brothers picking a cover for one of the magazines out of several photos that were taken.
    What I was saying was just that the GB makes the Bible-based guidelines, not the part of the WTB&TS that prints literature and all the other stuff I said before(yadda, yadda). The WTB&TS sends the guidelines from the GB to us.

    Oh yeah, I almost forgot: It's cool to be here too.

  • amicus

    You need to submit a photo of yourself. You know like a car burning down the road at a high rate of speed with smoke billowing from the tires. Um, I mean a chariot, not a car.
    Your name is one of my favourites here.

  • ZazuWitts


    LOL at your comments re DrivesLikeJehu-
    your comments are quite interesting - insightful, to the point, and as above
    quite jestful.

    Now, let me say that when you first posted, I saw your picture and name - and, got quite a shock - I thought you were a priest (your garb) I knew as a young girl (before becoming a JW) and his name was "Amical" - so, now, in my mind you are 'Father Amical.' Funny what the mind conjures up, eh?

    P.S. I liked him too!

  • amicus

    Thank you my child for your kind words. Your name will always be included in my prayers for the faithful. Confessions are heard on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Monday is usually a busy day so come early or plan to stay late. Votive candles can be lit for a donation of $1.00 (small) to $5.00 (large). Parishioners are usually not reminded that the amount of forgiveness obtained is directly proportional to the amount of contribution. No, we do not know how or why the votive candles are extinguished each night, but all are pleased that there are plenty of unlit candles available each morning for the penitent. The Lord works in mysterious ways!
    Remember, "Pray the Rosary"
    Father Amical

  • RedhorseWoman

    Forget the $1.00 and $5.00 votive candle schtick! I, as the Great Goddess Who Rules Over Pretty Much Everything, can get you a MUCH better deal. I'll light you two sticks of incense and a PILLAR candle for $2.00.....AND I'll personally bless them!

    Wouldn't you rather get it straight from the goddess-source, rather than going through a lousy middleman?

    Watch for our icon-of-the-month sales.....coming soon.

  • amicus

    We men of the cloth are quite aware of your pagan religion.
    Do you think it's possible to gambol about in the moonlight without being noticed?
    We "watchers" see more than you know;
    The scantily clad women, the testosterone charged men.
    Licentious, seductive behaviour of such magnitude is not easily concealed!
    Some of us study your women, and others study your men.
    The fertility rites of your adherents are very well known to us.
    I have but one question for you, Goddess.
    Do you need another Priest?
    Father Amical ( resume' available upon request)

  • Simon

    It's worth pointing out that when an announcement is made that 'brother or sister so-and-so' has disassociated themselves it doesn't necessarily mean that they have.
    If the elders want to get rid of you because they perceive you as a threat - if you are highlighting the inconsistencies in the teachings for instance, or the history, you have not done anything unscriptural and are actually telling the truth which can be backed up by what has been printed. Instead of disfellowshipping you, they can announce that you have disassociated yourself and no-one will question it, everyone will assume you have (unless you tell them otherwise) and the end result will be the same - friends and familly will be instructed not to talk to you.

  • thinkers wife
    thinkers wife

    Interesting that you should mention this Simon. I know someone this happened to. They visited her and told her she had two weeks to make a decision. At this point in time they had absolutely no proof of wrongdoing on her part. Two weeks later they showed up at her door again and asked what her decision was. She refused to discuss anything with them. A couple of weeks later an announcement was made at the KH.
    I am glad you shared this Simon. I was shocked by her story. I still thought they might have limits. But apparently not. Since this is happening in other places as well.

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