I told the baptist church pastor that I'm gay!

by TimothyT 90 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Heaven

    I'm with cantleave.

  • Band on the Run
  • Resistance is Futile
  • Resistance is Futile
    Resistance is Futile

    If you're looking for people who are tolerant of homosexuality, you went into the wrong building. I'm just saying.

  • laverite

    Outlaw, as usual, hits the nail right smack on the head in far fewer words than I could have. Outlaw, you are awesome and hiliarious. So true, so true.

  • MrFreeze

    You should go somewhere where they shouldn't even have to discuss it.

  • Bella15

    Don't get discouraged Timothy ... it is a hard issue today's churches, how do you remain faithful to the bible teachings while being a church of grace? ... It is easy to get self-righteous and start judging others by what the bible says specifically about certain subjects - but the list of don'ts is endless and of equal importance in God's eyes ... liars, drunkards, greedy, idolaters, adulterers, fornicators, it is just that we humans think that lying for example is a lesser crime than murder ... so a liar, a greedy person may judge you not knowing that we are all in the same boat. I learned this lesson the hard way Timothy, and I feel so ashamed, I was being self-righteous but God dealt with me, I blame it on my JW upbringing and mentality that sometimes gets a hold of me ... anyway... I told a pastor my concern about pastors marrying gay couples and that that was my reason for not being sure to become a member of the church I attend ... the Pastor mentioned that homosexuality was among a long list of things but we somehow have assigned a level of severity to the "sins" and we kind of push homesexuality to the top - who has given us permission to do that? Not Jesus ... he broke the rules all the time in order to put the person first ... he touched the leper, healed on the Sabbath, talked to women, condemned the religious leaders for puting mercy on the side ... anyway ... guess what? I was living with someone without being married while I was worrying about homosexuals ... HELLO! big "sinner" and hypocrite according to the book that I was yet I was being self-righteous ... the Holy Spirit convicted me big time and in a second a learned the biggest lesson of my life so far ... as a JW I was taught that I have the god-given right to judge others, as a Christian I have learned not to usurp God's place as Judge. So if you talk to the Pastor just know that sometimes we are being self-righteous and we don't know it, we are completely blind to that fact until God deals with us.

  • TimothyT

    I live in the UK but i dont live near any major cities. I like the sound of those churches who are realy non judgmental and welcome everyone. I know its human nature to judge but its annoying when they preach about Jesus and then go and make me feel uncomfortable in what they say.

    One member on this site told me that the Baptist church would be very good for me. They said that the church and its members are often very open and accept all kinds of people. I even checked on their websites and it said the same thing. I dont know though. Maybe each individual church is different.

    Nateb and Cantleave, to be honest, the entire idea of religion doesnt interest me at all. In fact id rather not have anything to do with it. However, i like the idea that i can be encouraged by one. I like the formality that i can wake up on Sunday and start the day by going somewhere to listen about good things and then be encouraged to do them. I would quite happily do this myself, and i may yet do that. Id NEVER join a church again after my experiences with organised religion.

    Has anyone heard of the Westboro Baptist Church? Should i look into them? HAHA!!!

    Finaly, i agree with MrFreeze. If i have to discuss it then i dont want to be there. The best place would be somewhere where i am free and open. Thats what i want. I dont want any more pressure. I just want to listen and be encouraged.


  • screwface

    just live your life and dont worry about if someone is going to accept you. Im sure your gonna find people who are gonna like you, and accept your lifestyle.

  • zoiks

    I hear what you are saying about wanting some structure and positive thoughts on a Sunday morning, Timothy. The thought is very appealing, and there is nothing wrong with adding this structure and community to your life...as long as you're comfortable with them and they with you.

    Many groups offer some sort of 'spiritual' fellowship and encouragement, and many are very accepting of people. I'm assuming, and it is a safe assumption, that the Baptists are NOT going to embrace your sexuality with open arms. So, once you have visited a few other churches , do what LeavingWT often suggests- attend the one with the best food and music.

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