Spirits/Entities - A question for all.

by Nemesis 67 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Nemesis

    I would like to ask a question if I might: How do ones here view spirits? (Not the alcoholic kind) I have left the Org. now for at least 5 years, although I did go to the memorial last year, but not where I used to go to the hall; I was not DF or DA.

    All my life since I can remember I have had contact with entities, spirits, call them what you will. They used to show me pleasant visions when I was very small; this was before my mother became a JW. Later when she started studying with JWs, I started getting traumatic experiences—powerful and strange spirits who used to chant some weird stuff in my head and show me visions of time and space on various levels of infinity (bear with me on this stuff, I’m not crazy). I can’t blame any WT teaching for these experiences as she never used to take me to the meetings much and never spoke of spirits at all, and I never did either.

    As I got older the experiences dwindled to virtually zero. But once I was around 15 they started back, but not the same, weird dreams at first, and then powerful presences, and energies. I’m sure reflecting back on them and what I feel now, these are real and powerful entities. There was nothing imaginary about them, or weak and intangible that could just be construct of a programmed mind. I started studying all the Watchtower literature, and started getting all the usual “demon” indoctrination put into my mind. “They are all deranged monsters [the spirits]” and the usual paranoia and society scare mongering. Unfortunately I fell for it, and I feel now in retrospect I either slandered some good spirits, or they just gave up on me, and let the evil ones come because that is what I expected, and was told to expect.

    I did have some “attacks” by some kind of parasite entity, but they weren’t that strong and it wasn’t that traumatic when over. (Usually in the early morning or at night) Later I ended up getting baptised, and still felt entities but always [because of the WTS’ evil motive for them] felt they must be bad.

    When I moved away from family, I drifted more and more away from the meetings, basically because my conscience was torturing me on so many of the WTS’ teachings. I wrote to them about spirits and they replied with the most pathetic letter you can imagine, with an inept illustration regarding Jesus that didn’t apply one bit to anyone but Jesus. I wrote on other issues as I had found some false teachings in the Revelation book and needed to know where in the Bible it taught this, as I couldn’t find it in mine anywhere. They gave one pathetic evasive reply, which was so evasive you would have thought they sent it on April 1st as a Joke; they ignored all my other letters. I then for the first time went to a meeting [the first on 6 months or more] and got approached by two elders and was given the third degree as the WTS has written to them about my letters [private letters], and must have basically said, “sort this questioner out, why the hell is he writing to us”—I never went back after that disgusting treatment. Anyway—to cut a long story short—I have come to the realisation that God is not with the Watchtower society, and I’m half way through ‘Crisis of Conscience’, after seeing many, many exposé web sites.

    Back to my question, I am now getting entities more and more, and other strange stuff, not evil, or even frightening, just strange, and obviously gaining in power. How do any of you who have had these experiences [and I’m 101% sure they are not some psychological trauma/stress phenomenon, but real entities], how do you deal with that, and what category do you put them in, with regard to the knowledge that God is not with the Watchtower society? I would like to know of others experiences if any have had some, and educated opinions on the subject also.

    Thanks in advance,

  • Adonai438

    Hi Nemesis, and first of all, Welcome!
    I am a a former JW that is all too aware of their fear of demons. I am a 'former' JW because after studying the Bible I found that their teachings are not in it -- so now I'm a Christian and know what and why I believe what I do-- very liberating and the best thing that has ever happened to me.

    With regards to the Bible's stance on spirits:
    They do exist. Yes humans after they die still are conscious but they are in either heaven--with the Lord or in Tartarous-Hell-- awaiting Judgement-- I won't try to prove their existance now though since that's not exactly the question. They are in those places and don't roam about free so the spirits you are experiencing are not dead people.(Incidentally, the OT also warns against attempting to consult the dead- If you have God then you have no need as God will let you know anything he wants you to know)
    The other kind of spirits are angels. Angels good-- messengers from God and Angels Bad--followers of the Devil, called demons.
    The Bible tells us to test them to see there allegience:

    1 John 4:1-3
    "Dear friends do not believe every spirit but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world. This is how you can recognize the Spirit of God: Every spirit that acknowledges Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God, but every spirit that does not acknowledge Jesus is not from God. This is the spirit of the antichrist, which you have heard is comming and even now is in the world."
    We must test the spirits-- they clearly exist so we must know who they are sent by. Any spirit that is giving a vision or speaking a message must be in accordance with God's already written word. Spirits from God will not reveal anything that is contrary to what God is or has already inspired and will not be revealing new doctrne or scriptures as those are sealed now.
    So what to do?:
    1 John 4:4
    "You, dear children, are from God and have overcome them, because the one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world."
    Only God can overcome the evil. If you have put your faith in the true God of the Bible then God lives in you (you are not God ) and he is greater than the spirits and evil of the world. He conquers all. If you are a believer then you have the authority in Jesus to command the spirits to leave and they must listen to God.

    I can't write more now but if you'd like to chat or interested in more than please feel free to e-mail me
    God bless! <>< Angie

  • teejay

    Hello Nemesis, and welcome.

    My maternal grandmother had strong Native American blood and tendencies. She believed in the power of dreams, etc. Other than her, with the exception of one of my sisters, I've never personally known anyone who had any visions, felt any extraordinary power in dreams or experienced any other 'cosmic' happenings.

    In my 44+ years of life, I've never heard a voice from the invisible nor had any other occurrence of which you speak – whether benevolent spirit or otherwise. I don't believe in demons... or gods.


  • Doc_jedd

    Spirits,Angels,Deamons ??????? I believe theres something supernatural out there ,Im just not sure what it is.......Jedd

  • rem
    ...and I’m 101% sure they are not some psychological trauma/stress phenomenon, but real entities...

    How can you be so sure?


    "We all do no end of feeling, and we mistake it for thinking." - Mark Twain
  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Hey Nemisis, welcome!

    I'm an atheist. I believe that there is no supernatural world populated with any sort of "spirit" beings. That would include gods, their offspring, demons, ghosts and forest sprites, among others.

    Everything that man has is a direct consequence of this MIND and his LABOR - nothing has ever materialized from "the aether" to benefit man.

    TRUTH is congruent with observable reality, i.e., the evidence of the senses.

    Reject parasites and benefit!

    "I wish to see, and I mean this most sincerely, I wish to see the last King strangled with the guts of the last Priest." - Voltaire
  • Adonai438

    Just a quick note to ya, Nemesis--
    I quoted the Bible above in a post for you and wanted to say that I don't disqualify spirits etc... just caution their sources. I believe that you are/have experienced something but since I don't know everything can't be sure what. I have had answers from God and have witnessed some pretty scary spiritual things so I can relate to it's realness to you--email anytime

  • GentlyFeral


    I agree with Adonai438's advice to "test the spirits," but otherwise I don't see any particular irrefutable-ness about the Bible's cosmology at all. Spirits can be friendly, well-intentioned, and helpful without having any connection with Jesus. I know this from experience.

    I'd like to pause here to concede that Nathan Natas is right. However, the objective reality of our spirit friends is irrelevant. Suffice to say that you have the opportunity to make imaginary friends in high places.

    Two books I've found helpful, though not flawlessly accurate, are:

    The Way of the Shaman, Michael Harner -- available through Amazon.com (new) and half.com (used). This is about how to manage your contact with spirits. You may find his methods awkward; don't hesitate to adapt them if necessary. Best advice from this book: only deal with the spirits that are happy to see you and meet you graciously. Trust your instincts.

    Fifty Years in the Feri Tradition, Cora Anderson -- available from the author. A reminiscence about her shaman/priest husband, rather than a manual of spiritual practice. Post in this thread if you want her address, and I'll email you; but I'll tell you right now that the most valuable lesson you can learn from this book is that it is permissible and possible to dismiss hostile spirits and to argue with God.

    Good luck!

    Gently Feral

    "There were cockroaches of course,
    but very clean cockroaches."
    -- Julia Vinograd

  • SixofNine
    I’m not crazy

    Then again, you think spirits are communicating with you. Do you believe everyone who says spirits are communicating with them? Do you think some of those people are crazy? Do you think all of them are really in contact with spirits? If not, how do you make a distinction?

    Is it totally outside the realm of possibility that you are even more affected by the power of suggestion than the average human? Could you have a mental condition in this one aspect of yourself, w/out it affecting your ability to function in other areas of life- hence your conviction that you are just a normal guy who has spirit contact?

  • Bang

    People have generally forgotten that dreams are letters from God, to teach us and heal us, not to humiliate us, but for learning. Although people have marginalised this gift of God, Judeo/christian interpretation of dreams is alive and well - I've recently been to seminars on the topic of dreams in christian spirituality. God speaks to us in dreams, and not like a booming voice or something, but as a teaching, a showing, and the more we read our dreams the better - so pray to God for interpretation.

    - "But God came to Abim'elech in a dream"
    - "And he dreamed that there was a ladder set up on the earth"
    - "But God came to Laban the Aramean in a dream by night"
    - "Now Joseph had a dream" "Then he dreamed another dream"
    - "And Pharaoh said to Joseph, "I have had a dream"
    - "And Joseph remembered the dreams which he had dreamed of them"
    - "When Gideon heard the telling of the dream and its interpretation, he worshiped"
    - "the LORD appeared to Solomon in a dream by night"
    - "When the LORD restored the fortunes of Zion, we were like those who dream."
    - "For a dream comes with much business"
    - "Daniel had understanding in all visions and dreams"
    - ".. your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams.."
    - "behold, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream, saying, "Joseph, son of David, do not fear to take Mary your wife""
    - "And being warned in a dream not to return to Herod, they departed "
    - "Now when they had departed, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream and said,.."
    - "Have nothing to do with that righteous man, for I have suffered much over him today in a dream"
    - "and your old men shall dream dreams"

    Dreams are for us.

    But dreams were shied away from, marginalised, due to people wanting to adjoin dreams to telling of the future, for other gains. "Behold, I am against those who prophesy lying dreams".


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