AGuest - believe it or not I don't believe a word you say regarding your nocturnal chats with overlord Jah.
First, my "chats" are not always nocturnal, dear Q (again, peace to you!). Second, they're not with the Most Holy One of Israel, JAH of Armies (who isn't an "overlord" - LOL!); they are with His Son... which is something I just don't get why YOU just don't GET (or do, but choose to ignore, perhaps thinking it's gonna get under my skin - not!). Third, I totally believe you (that you don't believe a word I say regarding... well, anything I "say"); given your comments, how could I not? Nothing you've posted to me has ever given me any other impression. So, you're "safe", dear one: I have absolutely NO "delusions" that you might be coming over to the [side of] Light.
You are just another preacher.
I get it that such a word probably leaves a "dirty" taste in your mouth (it does mine, given what it usually refers to)... but given that some were considered preachers "of righteousness"... I guess I can live with that accusation. I mean, you DID mean it in a nice way... didn't you?
You aren't the first nor will you be the last and you a certainly one of the least persuasive I have ever talked to.
If I were trying to persuade you of anything, dear one... you might expect me to be a bit hurt at that comment. Since I'm not trying to persuade you... all I can say is that nothing has occurred that shouldn't have occurred. So... no worries, right?
As such realise my comments aren't always aimed at your particular version of magic man.
Ummm... your question seemed to have been directed to "anyone", dear Q. Since you didn't specifically exclude me, I responded. Now, perhaps that's not what you would have liked me to do, but... I mean, since you weren't specific...
My comments stand and you have not answered them at all.
Well, I could say "likewise, dear one"... but that would be inaccurate, because I DID answer them. Every one of them. Starting with:
"... there is no 'game'... psychological, subjective, or otherwise... as the sole means of communication... but Christ"...
See? No, it's okay: I know you DON'T see. Perhaps because I didn't preface my comment with, "the answer is". Or perhaps because... well... But that's on you, Q, truly. You might want to review the post to "see" the other "answers", though. Now, perhaps like some, those "answers" don't comport with what you WANT/need them to... what you WANT to hear (okay, read), but... I can't help that. Really. Again, that's all on you.
Night. Though I hope for your sleeping habits you get at least one other convert and you can get Jah to split his time with them so allowing you some sleep. You need it badly by the sound of it.
I DO need some sleep, dear one; severe (sometimes blinding) shoulder pain has been robbing me (and, by default, my dear husband) of it, lately. So, yeah, I could probably use some.
But I am not seeking any converts. In fact, I actually find that statement... well, quite curious. Because of the source and reason for THIS very thread... and my comments on it. Here's the thing (which you seemed to have missed... along with the other stuff):
The OP professed to professing to be "anointed" at one point. Recently, even. Which means, to ME... that he didn't need converting, but was already a believer. Okay, so he's currently having difficulties with his faith. I took no issue with that. Rather, I wished him peace and resolution. I even openly stated... on the preceding thread (in which he requested that he NOT be PM'd)... that I neither desired to (re)convince him (or anyone), that it was not my place... and so we should leave off discussions. I wished him love... and peace... on HIS journey. My position? Matter closed.
Then... I am publicly notified by the OP that I have a PM from him. Which I responded to. Twice.
Then... I see this thread. Directed to... who... you? Nope. Me. Based on comments I made in the previous thread. I initially thought to ignore the thread... because I KNEW it would turn into one of those "usual" back and forths with the "usual" suspects (which includes you, yes). But... the OP deserved a response... and since he asked his questions/made his thoughts public... I responded publicly. I refrained from the "usual" discussion(s)... remained silent... even ignored some posts (probably should have continued but didn't, so I'll own that...).
And in ALL that I responded, however... I shared the truth. Didn't try to convert anyone. Didn't try to convince anyone. Didn't try to REconvince anyone. Just shared the truth... truth that the OP already knew. That he STATED he knew.
So... your comment is, again, quite curious. It says to ME that I am correct as to you... that you really AREN'T grasping much here. I can only conclude that either (1) you are really not paying much attention (and hence, why even comment??), or (2) you really DON'T have the capacity to grasp as much as you THINK. I am going to give you the benefit of the doubt, though, dear one... and assume you're really are just not paying attention.
I will know if my assumption is accurate... if, when, and how (if you do) you respond. If it's not... well, then, that takes us back to option (1), doesn't it?
Again, peace to you, truly!
YOUR servant... still... and a slave of Christ,