Why, if there is no creator, does the human race seek him out? Why did they ever start in the first place? Who taught them? Why if there is no spiritual, do so many people seek out/feel/sense something beyond the physical?
I think there is no irrefutable proof because most of us can only look with our physical senses and are loathe to believe that there could be more beyond that, which we just don't know yet how to access or test.
Tammy you make some excellent points here. It all boils down to our physical senses. If my radio's antenna is broken, do I blame all the radio stations for taking the day off? Or claim that they don't exist?
The problem, as all the great Masters and philosophers have tried to tell us, is that the greater reality is beyond presently "normal" human senses. When I say "normal", I mean to specify that we are evolving, so what is normal now may be considered a handicap at some point in the future. If the prophecies based on our position in the cosmos are true, it will happen very soon. Instead of "reading" a book, we will be able to get the "download" instead. Instead of speaking all the time, we will have the option of communicating telepathically. For fish and birds, this is a normal part of life when they swim or fly in formation, for example.
"Well, Dr. Martin, my pineal gland isn't working right. I couldn't pick up last night's broadcast by Gabriel the Archangel because something just isn't right."
After examination.....
"No problem Mrs. Jones, you're under too much stress from not eating properly, and it's making your thyroid go haywire. When this happens, the pineal gland intermittently shuts down, and your entire endocrine system is out of balance. I'm prescribing a week in the Bahamas. When you're better, you can re-download it."
My dog can hear sounds that I can't. Do I think he's bat-shit crazy? No, I just know that there are things he is privy to that I'm not. Not YET anyway. And, everyone is at a different level. Some can "hear" things, and they can convince themselves it was "Jesus". For some, it's just the subconscious mind. For others, it is the actual consciousness of Jesus Christ. He is alive and well on the Astral Plane, as we all are. When we dream at night, we prove it to ourselves, because that's where dreams take place.