Proof of God or Christ without a holy book

by Awen 131 Replies latest jw friends

  • PSacramento
    Case in point: Yahweh proved Himself at the Red Sea and weeks later the King's kids were worshipping a golden calf.


    Something tells me God stopped trying to prove things to "ungrateful" people a long time ago.

    I mean, when He proved via miracles, it didn't matter and when He proved Via His Son and His miracles, they killed his son.

    I mean, I may not be omnicient like God but something tells me He may have gotten the message last time around.

  • J. Hofer
    J. Hofer

    people obviously didn't see those miracles as godly. or there were no miracles at all.

  • jay88

    Something tells me God stopped trying to prove things to "ungrateful" people a long time ago.

    I mean, when He proved via miracles, it didn't matter and when He proved Via His Son and His miracles, they killed his son.

    I mean, I may not be omnicient like God but something tells me He may have gotten the message last time around.


    I guess the "Hebrew God", and the "Hebrew Perspective" has a monopoly has on existence.


  • Anony Mous
    Anony Mous

    Miracles are often moral or religious stories that have been orally conveyed. Everyone knows what happens with stories that are told and retold. Again, if miracle workers (any) would exist, contemporary history (not just the holy books of that particular religion) would make mention of it. Miracles are also sometimes simple magic tricks (magic with the bunny in the hat) as even the Bible mentions that Pharao's wise men could bring about the first 5 of the ten plagues - they were most likely simple sleight of hand and deception of the eyes that both sides would know the trick to. Changing a body of still water into blood (or ketchup) can be done with a hollow staff, some thin papyrus (which would dissolve in water) and certain powders. There are still people that are 'miracle workers' and 'healers' like those televangelists that 'know' what people have issues with by reading their prayer notes and 'heal' people with the use of adrenaline and fake participants.

    There is an evolutionary reason for religion according to some but religion imho should make place for facts and science when they are proven wrong and not try to hold on to a proven-wrong idea (such as the Genesis account of creation) killing or downplaying the harbinger of change (such as Galileo, Darwin, Einstein and Newton).

  • mf6

    FHN - I've felt that some ex-JW's are still p roselytizing. Yes, they don't go from door to door. But until I began lurking here I'd never seen such lengthy, passionate argumentation about God, or even other topics. I've also noticed this in the political discussions here.

    Very strongly held opinions. Certainly anyone has a right to those opinions. But IMO some ex-JWs are still trying to convert others. Not to become one of JW's, but to convince others their position is correct.

    And they are RIGHT.

  • FlyingHighNow

    Science and miracles do not necessarily conflict. Science and God or mysticism do not have to conflict. It's not an either or thing. I don't believe the Bible is an inspired book, but I do give it credit when it deals with scientific fact accurately. And I also recognize that science is full of hypothesis and does not always deal in strict, provable facts.

  • PSacramento
    people obviously didn't see those miracles as godly. or there were no miracles at all.

    Perhaps, but if they were recored as such by the very people that didn't see them as such, one wonderswhat exactly is need for people that believed ( because they saw as it was recored in the OT) to stop believing.

    Probably means that visual evidence of "miracles" aren't enough to believe and I would agree with this.

  • PSacramento
    I guess the "Hebrew God", and the "Hebrew Perspective" has a monopoly has on existence.

    Certainly for the Hebrews it did.

  • Twitch
    Either way, you can't prove a God or any spirit being exist because of it's nature. We now know we can induce the feeling of such a being by influencing specific brain areas with magnets, certain substances or even simply by psychological pressure so you have to ask yourself, is God just a construct of our own imagination? How do you know that what you feel God is, anyone else on this earth will have a similar concept about it?

    Yea, I recall something about the brain thing and it's a very interesting point. If the brain can be stimulated to give a feeling of spirituality, as it has been with other senses, can god be artifically induced? If all we sense and "know" is the result of a chemical process, including the sensation of "love" and if god is love, is god in our heads? If you were born on an island with nobody to tell you about god, would you know god? Would you create one for yourself? Has any culture created their own god(s) as they saw fit? What makes their god any less real?

  • MrDarkKnight

    My 'beef' with God is why? Why such an intelligent creator allows all this craziness in the world to ensue? Why all the religious beliefs? Why do it through an ancient set of writings? Why not reveal yourself to the WORLD, in a manner befitting an ALMIGHTY GOD? Why not make a CLEAR CASE for yourself, and your identity?

    This is the question I have asked time and again. Why make is to hard to be found? Why make it confusing? Why my must I rely on men, both dead and alive to believe? Why not just manifiest yourself to EVERYONE and get it overwith? Why not? SMH.

    And yet despite it all, I still believe in God, not in organized religion, but in God. Things that make you go Hmmmm. SMH.

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