A Woman, A Woman - Oh What Can She Be?

by LoneWolf 151 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • cofty
    To illustrate, if indeed we had a chance to follow through on the original commandment of having all the animals in subjection, they may not have needed to eat each other in the rampant ways they do now.

    Every creature is amazingly equiped to catch or evade. To think that animals would have lived in peace if the naked lady hadn't listened to the talking snake is one the of craziest things we were taught to believe. Almost every anatomical and physiological detail of every creature contributes to its ability to kill other creatures or escape capture. Did god redesign the eyes, skeleton, teeth, claws, muscles, nervous system, hearing, colouring and claws of a Cheetah the day after Eve "sinned"? Did spiders not know how to spin webs until after the "fall"? Did ospreys, crocodiles and sharks get a complete refit right after Eden?

    Nothing is more demeening to the awesome wonders of nature than when we pretend its really all about humans. We are Johnny-come-lately and the rest of the animal kingdom will hardly notice when we are gone.

  • elderelite
  • LoneWolf

    AGuest, N. Drew, & watersprout - Thanks! These things are experiences that have made life worth living and have kept me going when things looked impossible. I'm glad you enjoyed them!

    TD & cofty - Far from my disagreeing on your observations, I agree with them. My point is not that something WILL take place in the future, but that we don't have the knowledge to rule out things just because our knowledge at the present time seems to rule them out. To illustrate: if we lived in Salem back in the 1690's and made the mistake of walking across the room and flipping a switch, so that light flooded the room, we would probably have been hung as witches. Witchcraft would have been the only explanation they would have understood back in those days.

    Likewise, even 50 years ago the modern forms of communication would have been considered "impossible", and we would have been viewed as crackpots for suggesting that they could be here. However, it seems that the "impossible" has a disturbing habit of becoming possible, if not commonplace, especially in the last couple of hundred years.

    So my observation and point is that we should keep an open mind. Yes, we have gained in knowledge, but I think in the long run we will find that our advancement is similar to Einstein's reputed description of his contribution to scientific knowledge, as being about the same as the man who was studying the moon but wanted a closer look at it, so he crawled up on the roof.

    This would especially hold true if we are studying God's creations. Now, I'm not implying that God exists in this scenario (I do believe in Jehovah, but I am suspending that for the purpose of dealing with this question), but I am saying that if there is a God and we are examining his creations, then we need to operate from the standpoint of realizing that we would be dealing with intelligences that are superior to ours. That, in turn, should make us realize that some of the things we discover should confound our doubts and skepticism. Those things that seem totally nonsensical now could very easily become quite possible if other factors, ones that we may not even be aware of now, become known later.

    After all, even 30 years ago, scientists would have laughed us under the table if we would have suggested that lakes could explode. Now we know they can. (Look up "limnic eruption" in the Wikipedia.) The things they learned from that is what scared the living bejabbers out of N.O.A.A. scientists during the Gulf oil spill. (One of them is a friend of mine, so I have inside information that never hit the news.)

    So to illustrate my main point: who is to say that he who created DNA couldn't "tweak" it to change the very things that you bring up, when conditions are right? Ridiculous you say? Perhaps. But how do we rule it out?

    Don't get me wrong here: I am not saying that we have to accept anything, including the Bible itself, without examination. I feel that such a demand is the concoction of man-made religion. Instead, if I read the Bible correctly, it recommends that we have a questioning mind on all subjects.

    I would also say, though, that the wholesale rejection of whole areas of inquiry like most scientists do, just because they presume it is all superstition and therefore beneath them, is neither wise nor intellectually honest.

    Clarity - I understand where you are coming from. True, I wrote the post, although the school report is exactly as he wrote it, including the spelling errors and improper English.

    I wrote this a few months ago to be used in another application, and she was interviewed and given a copy of it at that time for her approval. She liked it.

    I realize this may seem strange to you, but please keep in mind that how we view things can be quite different depending on the individual and their approach to life. Like I said in my last answer to you, "My life has been different than most for one simple reason: most allow fear to run their lives, and I haven't. The result is that I've gotten into many things that most people wouldn't dream of, and a lot feel are impossible. Danger has been a constant companion, and I like it that way.

    Perhaps I should have added that being different like that meant that I received an endless string of condemnation for being "reckless", "irresponsible", etc., etc. However, I have been rewarded beyond all expectations for having the courage to buck the condemnation and proceed on that course. Thankfully, this attitude seems to have rubbed off on her too.

    One of the areas this especially applies to is as I wrote in the original post: "The way that women have been reduced to second class citizens and taken advantage of down over the years has always grieved me. Therefore I tried my best to give them not only the knowledge of what they were, but a respect and appreciation for how they were created. That meant giving them a knowledge and understanding of the entire process."

    Now how could I have that respect and appreciation, and how could they get it if we are so ashamed of it that we won't speak of it? These things were created by our heavenly father, and did he not say after they were created that they were "very good"? (Gen. 1:31) I tried my best to give them the understanding and strength necessary to resist the influences that would demean them, whether they come from inside the Organization or outside. I wanted them to be able to stand tall and be glad they were women, and to know in their heart that this creation is clean, healthy, and beautiful, and that only corrupted hearts will pretend otherwise. I wanted them to take pride in what they are, not the "I'm better than you!" type of false pride, but the quiet inner peace of knowing that they were exactly what they were meant to be, and that it was "very good".

    Do you have any idea of how freeing that knowledge is? And how can such freedom exist if we cannot speak of it?

    No, I am not saying that you have a corrupted heart. However, I suspect that the constant putdowns from so-called "authorities" towards womanhood may have had its effect upon you, and that being freed of such indoctrination would make your life far more enjoyable and productive.

    Thanks, elderelite! That was an interesting site! As for the "weird" part, keep in mind that this wasn't her idea. It was the fawn's! She went along with it because it caught her by surprise and it was an emergency situation.

    Also, I liked the question raised on the site. If we drink cow's milk, then why would it be wrong to feed a fawn people milk?

  • donny

    Devil_Fish said " WAIT, You were 20 and she was 15? You are a Pedophile."

    Actually a pedophile is someone who is sexually attracted to pre-pubecensent children. This word is often mis-used to mean anyone under the age of consent which is 18 is most places.

    My mom had just turned 17 when she married my dad who was 19. I recently saw a very interesting documentary on the times of Jesus, and they said that Mary was likely 12 - 14 yeays of age when she gave birth to Jesus.

  • aquagirl

    Beautiful...I too have been able to "Talk"with animals all of my life.The JW"S discouraged it,saying it was Satan.My friends thought t was drugs.But it isnt.I know what they are communicating to me and they know what I am saying to them. John Devnver said"dont say it cant happen,just cause it hasnt happened to you".so true...

  • AGuest

    I would just like to reiterate, if I may (may you all have peace!):

    we don't have the knowledge to rule out things just because our knowledge at the present time seems to rule them out.


    it seems that the "impossible" has a disturbing habit of becoming possible, if not commonplace,


    we should keep an open mind.

    and, most importantly...

    "dont say it can't happen, just cause it hasn't happened to you".

    WONDERFUL words... to the [so-called] "wise"...

    Again, peace to you ALL!

    A slave of Christ,

    SA, who wishes to THANK dear Elderelite (peace to you, dear one!) for the pix... and give a nod to the "skeptics"...

  • meangirl

    Uhhhh, a woman can be anything she wants.....believe it or not some women do not believe their sole purpose in life is to bear children......shocker I know.....

    A little background first, though. We married very young. I was 20, and she was 15. One of my primary goals when I married this little freckle-faced girl was to do all I knew how to be sure that she could find joy and happiness in her role of wife and mother. I wanted her to be glad she was a woman (especially my woman) and found fulfillment in her role in life. Needless to say, that is not something that a man can force on a woman, and for it to happen he has to control the environment in such a way that those qualities can grow on their own. I compared it to planting a garden. All one can do is plant the seeds, cultivate them, water them, make sure the ground has the nutrients needed, and the proper amount of sunlight is available. God will do the rest.

    Eeewwwww, sounds very creepy......So just curious did you every ask your "little freckle-faced GIRL" what she wanted out of life? Did she think her only role in life was to be a wife and mother? A shame a child did not get to make an informed decision about what she wants out of life. I hear many on here who are angered that "children" get baptized.....how is marrying a man 5 yrs older than you when you were 15 and have him imposing his view of women and what they want out of life? Just wondering. There is no way in hell I would let my daughter marry at age 15.........child abuse. Again eeewwww.

  • meangirl

    @ N.Drew:

    Think twice!

    15 is not too young to marry in some cultures.

    For many people secondary school is finished at 16 or 17 years, then they marry.

    In some countries (Ethiopia for one) girls are given in arranged marriages as soon as they begin menstruating which for some is as early as ten years young.

    I don't think we want to model Ethiopia as a model on how to treat women. They circumcise little girls over there. That is their culture. Is that okay? Women have no rights in Ethiopia. I ask you N.Drew how would you have liked to be given in an arranged marriage as soon as you began menstruating?.......I mean seriously.

  • N.drew

    It was a long time ago that they married. Does nobody listen???

    Men, please don't be mad at me but I believe a 15 year old girl and a 20 year old boy are equal, isn't it so?

    60 years ago children grew up much faster because they had many more responsibilities.

    15 and 20 are young now, but then, not so. Isn't time wonderful!!!!

  • TD

    One of the humorous paradoxes in these discussions (And I don't participate to try and change anybody's mind) is that you have two very different viewpoints

    One accepts the design but not the Designer

    One accepts the Designer, but not the design.

    Before anybody gets mad, let me explain:

    Guggisberg, a famous expert on African cats opined, "It would be impossible to design a more perfect predator than the cat." But he was not talking about a Designer here. He was talking about what he believed to be the end result of evolution.

    On the flip side of the coin, the Agustinian concept of deviation from orginal purpose accepts the Designer as a given, but the design itself at only its most basic level, if at all.

    It's analogous to arguing that the propeller of an airplane was never intended to make the plane fly, because generically speaking, propellers have many other applications. While that's true enough, it takes far more than a propeller to make a plane fly

    When you stand back and observe the plane from nose cone to tail, any doubt about the purpose of the propeller disappears entirely. Heavier than air flight is a major hurdle that stumped people for many years. Powered flight is the product of a number of interdependent features all working together and the intelligent orchestration of them is a higher level of design than that of any one of them alone.

    The fundamental hurdle for any predator, is that the prey really, really does not want to be caught. We could postulate that the claws and teeth of a cat were originally intended for something else because generically speaking, they have other applications. While that's true enough, it takes far more than claws and teeth to catch prey.

    A cat is designed as a predator from the ground up. Kittens separated from their mother at birth and raised by hand without having ever seen or interracted with another cat in their entire lives still stalk and pounce. They also deliver a lethal bite to the neck of even a toy animal. Researchers have tried varying the shape of the stuffed toy by removing identifiable features like legs and ears and the kitten still attacks whatever neck-like constriction it can find.

    A cat's ability to hunt prey is the product of a number of interdependent features all working together. Everything from the articulation of its forelimbs, to its gait, to it eyes, to its brain, nervous system and basic instincts are involved. And that interdependance relative to the hurdle they overcome is a higher level of design than that of any one feature alone.

    I understand the concept of a paradigm shift in science. --How a new discovery can fundamentally change the way we look at things. I think it's pretty cool.

    But unless we're talking about an extinct plant that could run away because it did not want to be eaten, (And might be recreated in the future?) I really think the fallacy of reductionism is a possibility

    Again, this is just a fun conversation. I think it's really, really funny that as someone who accepts evolution, I'm here defending the foundational cornerstone of creation.

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