Not long enough already. I suppose we can thank meangirl and sharkface for the story. I love it! I am glad you wrote it down for all to see. Thankyou!
A Woman, A Woman - Oh What Can She Be?
by LoneWolf 151 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Oh wait, I didn't see this little gem before:
Two years passed. I had moved back to Oregon and it seemed like we had written a jillion letters to each other. I proposed, she accepted, and it was eventually arranged for her to come up. The first time was for a week, and it seemed like the world was empty after she went back. Finally we decided not to wait any more, so she came up again and we were married. We were both young, scared, but very much in love.
So you were 18 and she was 13 when this all started.....sounds perfectly healthy to me.
Oh and please enlighten me. What exactly haven't I acheived?
"It seems that if you are incapable of achieving something yourself, you will do everything in your power to make sure that no one else has it either."
Yes I will do everything in my power to make sure young girls are not exploited by older MEN. Definitely, spot on for sure. I can say that I am very happy that when young boys had crushes on me when I was 20 I didn't want to "make them my MAN" and have them know the joy in their fulfillment as their role of "husband" and "father.".......ah, all the young freckled faced BOYS hearts I must have broke....
You don't know how to read? She was in love with him.
But according to meangirl who doesn't know how to lose an argument, or is faking it, the frecked face girl should have said"gd pervert", and the gentleman should of said "get the hell away from me tiny bopper". Make a better world. Make more rules. (tongue in cheek for all you who never learned how to read.)
@ N.Drew no not faking it. Dead serious here. I know how to read. So, let me get this straight, this same forum who says over and over again that children should not make a decision to be baptized (and I agree). That children should not make life and death decisions such as accepting blood transfusions, etc. Now all of sudden children are capable of making major life decisions. Am I reading that you believe a 15 year old GIRL knows when she is in love? Really? Seriously? I am sure the boys who had crushes on me when I was 20 really thought they were in love with me and I probably could have had relationships with me. However, now that I see them as grown men married with their own families they are probably thankful I didn't take advantage of them.....
I suppose faith is not a possession of every person.
Crush (n.) temporary love of an adolescent, puppy love, infatuation love. Strong positive emotion of regard and affection
@ N.Drew faith has nothing to do with this thread.
Hi! You have done well meangirl teaching me. What does your name mean?
Are you sure faith has nothing to do with this thread?
@ N.Drew you think it's acceptable for an 18 year old man to date a 13 year old girl? That's how old they were when this started....