A Woman, A Woman - Oh What Can She Be?

by LoneWolf 151 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • meangirl

    @ N.Drew yes it was 50 yrs ago but that still does not make it right. Alot of injustices were done in Bible times a loooooong time ago but that still does not make it right. Here is the fact. A 20 year old MAN had in his mind he was going to teach a 15 year old GIRL how wonderful her role of wife and mother would be. Does that not sound creepy to you? Sounds very unhealthy. Sounds to me like he is passive aggressive and used the excuse to show a GIRL her wonderful purpose and role as a wife/mother was really his way of keeping her under his thumb. My question, what did this 15 year old GIRL really want? Was she really old enough to decide to become someone's wife? What's right is right. It doesn't matter if it was last week, last year or 50 years ago. Downright creepy.....bleh.

  • N.drew

    Dear meangirl, why do you look at the dark side of the story? What does a 15 year old female want? Few 15 year olds know what they want. Even few 50 year old know what they want. Some people die not knowing what they wanted.

    I graduated high school in 1974. I had no mentor. I liked chemistry. I went to college. My imagination did not stretch beyond these three things I might be. Teacher(I tended toward, but at the time I was too shy), Secretary (my mom was one), and Nurse. I liked science most so I chose nursing. Two years went very well because I was in class learning. Then in my third year I went to do the practical nursing. My first patient (I was left alone with her) was a 50ish women who had a stroke. I did not know what to do and she could not be heard for her stroke. I decided then and there I was not going to be a nurse. I remember the head nurse cried with me when I told her. My mind could not be changed. I was 20 years old.

    I think my point is age is relative. If you had heard from the wife your criticism might apply, but you have not. Imagine one of the very young girls on the street whose pimp is selling her as young as 10 years old. Would not that be her ultimate dream that someone might teach her how wonderful the role of wife and mother might be?

  • meangirl

    @ N.Drew:

    "What does a 15 year old female want? Few 15 year olds know what they want."

    EXACTLY! So what business does a 20 year old MAN have even viewing a 15 year old as a wife and mother and brainwashing her to believe that is her sole purpose in life? If some 20 year old man tried to make my 15 year old daughter a wife and mother.....hmmmmmm he would go to jail. Because it is wrong.

    "I think my point is age is relative."-Uh no that is why there are laws......

    Would you have been happy if some 20 year old MAN was eyeing your 15 year old daughter to marry?.......

    " Imagine one of the very young girls on the street whose pimp is selling her as young as 10 years old. Would not that be her ultimate dream that someone might teach her how wonderful the role of wife and mother might be?"

    Uh, I imagine her dream would be to get off of the street and quit being used for sex and abused by her pimp. Maybe her dream would be to go to college and have a profession. Maybe after years of her body not being her own perhaps the idea of being a mom just doesn't appeal to her? How can you even try to justify yourself with this reasoning? I mean really.

    "Dear meangirl, why do you look at the dark side of the story?"

    Funny, brainwashed JW's ask "apostates" that all the time. If being honest and facing reality is looking at the dark side then guilty as charged. The older I get the more I see that the saying "Ignorance is bliss" is so true.

    N. Drew I am sure you are a nice person but I just canot justify pedophilia. It's wrong. It's unhealthy. Sorry but this is one issue I will not bend on.

  • N.drew
    Did you read Donny's post? Actually a pedophile is someone who is sexually attracted to pre-pubecensent children. This word is often mis-used to mean anyone under the age of consent which is 18 is most places.

    What you are doing is slandering LoneWolf. Why are you insisting on doing that?

    Will you feel foolish, meangirl, if the bride was almost 16?

    Are you calling all the women who married young victims? Why?

    And don't you get the point? They are still married!

    It is prose what he wrote, and you pick on his wife? She married him, he had the good intention to care for her so that she would find happiness in their union, but she might have better off if she said no???, and maybe got herself some drugs, or an unwanted pregnancy. Mean meangirl, what would have made the lady's life better?

    Do you have any idea how many 15 year olds are having sex? But marriage is worse?????

    Are you against 15 year olds having sex?

  • meangirl

    N.Drew quit clouding the issue. Here is the issue:

    A 20 year old MAN saw a 15 year old freckled face GIRL (his words not mine) and this is what he saw/wanted/desired:

    "One of my primary goals when I married this little freckle-faced girl was to do all I knew how to be sure that she could find joy and happiness in her role of wife and mother. I wanted her to be glad she was a woman (especially my woman) and found fulfillment in her role in life. "

    Again this is his words, not mine. That is the fact. That is the issue. It is unhealthy. It is wrong. That is why it is against the law. Just be honest with yourself and admit that if a 20 year old MAN was eying your 15 year old daughter to impregnate you would not be a happy camper. The fact that he wrote it and did not expect any backlash is utterly amazing. N.Drew continue to romanticize it all you want. What's wrong is wrong. What's right is right.

    The phrase statutory rape is a term used in some legal jurisdictions to describe sexual activities where one participant is below the age required to legally consent to the behavior. [ 1 ] Although it usually refers to adults engaging in sex with minors under the age of consent, [ 1 ] it is a generic term, and very few jurisdictions use the actual term "statutory rape" in the language of statutes. [ 2 ] Different jurisdictions use many different statutory terms for the crime, such as "sexual assault," "rape of a child," "corruption of a minor," "carnal knowledge of a minor," "unlawful carnal knowledge", or simply "carnal knowledge."

    Lonewolf wanted to impart carnal knowledge to a 15 year old GIRL as a 20 year old MAN. What more can be said?

  • N.drew


  • meangirl

    Yes N.Drew your right. All the answers to young girls' problems is to marry them off. That is your answer to everything. If not they will turn to drugs. If not the poor 10 year old prostitute will never realize her dreams.....seriously. Think about what you are saying. You are doing such an injustice to young females. My daughter will have choices as to what she wants to to do. Everyone deserves choices. EVERYONE. You are limiting young females so much with your ignorant reasoning. So very sad.

  • meangirl

    I concur when I read your posts N.Drew. OMG. Utterly shocked and amazed.

  • TD

    In the U.S. I know it varies by state, but out of curiosity, what is the allowable age spread typically? (I seriously doubt if it's five years, but I do know that an 18 year old is not prosecuted when his/her partner is 17.)

  • meangirl

    Here is from PDF from staterape handbook:

    Raising the age of the minor who is subject to protection by
    the law. North Carolina and Pennsylvania raised the age of
    the minor—up to 16 years—who is subject to protection
    under the criminal unlawful sex laws. North Carolina did so
    as part of amendments that created different offenses based
    on the age of the minor and the age gap between the minor
    and the defendant. Under the new statute, sex with 13- to
    15-year-olds is now a crime.

    Age gaps. Along with raising the age of the minor, North
    Carolina and Pennsylvania also imposed age gaps. If the
    minor is above a certain age, a crime is committed only
    if the defendant is a specified number of years older than
    the minor (5 years in North Carolina and 4 years in

    Impregnation of a minor as a separate offense. Florida
    passed several provisions regarding unlawful sex with
    minors. Impregnation of a minor is now a separate offense,
    and defendants may be liable for child support and related
    medical expenses. If paternity is established in cases involving
    defendants 24 years or older, child support must be paid.

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