MoodyBlue, you sound a lot like me. I truly KNOW your pain.
There is a chemicle produced from your brain that is a result of a belief and a practice in a higher power than you. Apparently it is unique in humans and is called, albeit unofficially "Skyfire".
Traces of this chemicle found at archeological digs are what tell researches that a specific place was used for worship. It is found in abundant amounts in certain areas of the great pyramid.
Apparently (and this is a personal observation from experience) an excess of this chemicle in your body will cause symtoms of depression and anxiety.
I have never found another group of individuals who express these behaviors more than Jehovah's Witnesses. I could speculate as to why, but that is not my point.
My point is, QUIT WORRING ABOUT YOUR ORIGINS. QUIT LOOKING FOR A PURPOSE. YOUR PURPOSE IS TO LIVE!!!! Otherwise, you would not be here to ask the question!!!
Live your life. Help others. Do whatever eases your concience (assuming that you have a good one, Stay away from things that make you feel guilty, sad, and even ANGRY, and if you have these feelings now, release your frustrations on this message board. This is what it is for (has helped me TREMENDOUSLY!)
After you have calmed down, you can deal with the issues you are facing objectively. Trying to deal with these issues in your current mental state is self-destructive. (It also hurts the ones who Love you).
Also PLEASE NOTE. When I say LOVE, I am NOT talking about the CONDITIONAL love that you receive from JWs. I am talking about someone who will be there for you through thick and thin, hot or cold, not someone who will leave YOU in the cold when you disagree using the FREE WILL that you were given when born.
If you currently have nobody in that category, then I think you've come to the right place. (Am I wrong anyone?)
Am I officially trained as a Psychologist? No.
Do I know from first-hand experience? Yes.
to sum up:
"Chill out, before you burn up!"
Edited by - ianao on 16 January 2001 15:32:38