Hey all I was a witness most of my life in the Lansing area of Michigan. I've glanced at online communities like this before but mostly shyed away from them because after leaving the organization I became an atheist. I'm not ashamed of it by any means, but these forums and websites seem to be mostly filled with folks who are still religious but just don't agree with the governing body's methods. I was mostly curious if there were any other ex-witnesses out there who are now atheists and what brought you there? It would be nice to connect with someone who can empathize a bit!
ex-witness to atheist
by Itsallwrong 32 Replies latest jw experiences
darth frosty
Actually I believe this board is split. I classify myself as a spiritual atheist. I feel that being a dub if you are able to free yourself you will eventually free yourself of the whole god concept.
Welcome and go spartans!
You know I'm always really intrigued that people can realize they're being scammed by religion just to jump to another. I know JW's have a pretty shady history, but it's relatively tame compared to any modern main stream religion (if only for lack of age).
I also find the point that you make interesting. There are so many atheists who add the "spiritual" modifier to their beliefs. It's almost as if you worry about losing a dimension to your existence, or at least a level of complexity by not having some sort of metaphysical aspect in their belief system. I meditate and I'm a musician, so I understand the desire for "spiritualism" and "soulfulness" but don't you feel in the long run that those concepts are just as useless as the God concept. What do you truly define as the spiritual aspect of your atheism?
I feel that being a dub if you are able to free yourself you will eventually free yourself of the whole god concept. I think that this is usually the case. Jesus freed me...
To answer the OP: It seems to me that in this group the majority are non-christian.
"but these forums and websites seem to be mostly filled with folks who are still religious but just don't agree with the governing body's methods..."
Actually, there are many athiests on this board, including me - though I sometimes refer to myself as a "Neo-Polytheist" atheist..
Oh, and WELCOME to the board!!
Zid - the board's She-Devil
Here's a thread...
And another...
And another....
Thanks for the grettings and the links! They were interesting, it's funny to hear how people stumble upon their beliefs. I think I started down the road to where I am now by first realizing that there was no image of God between the Bible and modern religion that made any sort of logical sense to me. I didn't put two and two together right away, but it's what eventually lead me to atheism.
Agnostic here. Welcome!
I went from ,being a nominal but not a practicing christian, to being converted to the jw religion, to now being what I consider to be an atheist,That is I dont beleive in the bible,I dont beleive any religion christian or otherwise has the answers
I do beleive religion, like politics, is designed to have control over the populace
And I cant beleive that we are the only 'intelligent'"beings given the size of the universe
Thats just my take
Here's another link...
What I'm trying to find, is a thread - any thread - started by Terry. He's one of the board's highest-profile atheists...
Here ya go...
That link should take you to Terry's "Topics Posted" list - page 1. He's posted over 40 pages of threads - many of them on the topic of atheism and evolution...
Have fun!